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I'm here,

But I'm not here.

I'm home alone, I don't mind
There's already so much on my mind
So much holding on, I need to let go
I want to just... Disconnect

I'm tired, I'm lazy, I procrastinate
But I do my best to finish the tasks
I beat myself up in my head
Why can't I just... Disconnect?

I sit to have breakfast at the table
I'm watching a video on my phone
Two minutes in and I'm already out
I don't intend to, but I... Disconnect

There's a fog inside my brain
The light filters onto my pain
I search for the shadows, but all in vain
So I sit, stare and just... Disconnect

I feel the world around me
My body still moves, I'm still alive
I'm still eating, I'm still watching
But somehow, I just... Disconnect

I'm here,

But I'm not here.

There's so much I have to do
Too many things to think about
I don't want to think no more
So I automatically... Disconnect

I listen to music just for the sound
Silence is my worst enemy
But at times, the songs aren't friendly 
I can't help but... Disconnect

Everything is in a haze
It's all just a passing craze
Oh how I wish this was a phase
But it's not, and I still... Disconnect

I'll be back, I promise, just give me a while
I'll clear out the fog and bring back my smile
But I guess this is goodbye, for now,
Until when my brain won't... Disconnect

I get so scared because I don't know what's happening
I know I'm still there somewhere, but where the peace that you're preaching?
I know nothing because there's nobody teaching
So in the end, I just sit, stare, and...


The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now