Chapter 25

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Funny you're the broken one but I'm the only one who needed saving

My head felt like exploding and my throat was sore .

Effects from my reckless actions. I should not have tried to drown my sorrows in alcohol. But to be honest, it somehow helped.

I got to think and get my mind and priorities straight.

When I came into this pack, rather, when I was chased into this pack by that group or rogues, I had no sort of ambition other than being free and being away from pain, but as time passed by ,I started becoming attached to the place.

From the little children to the teens, to the Omegas and even my newly acquired friend ,Bella.

They somehow made me forget about what drove me . What made me wake up every morning.

I was comfortable which was wrong.

Being comfortable leaves one vulnerable when change or any slight discomfort comes in.

I should have never let my guard down in the first place.

I sighed as I entered the bathroom . I then tied my hair into a messy bun before stepping into the shower.

As the cold water descended upon me, I thought about what I was going to do next.

The Alpha was soon going to come and probably try to salvage what may be left between us.

It was undeniable. I liked him, but he had a mate. A mate that was extremely beautiful and most importantly, a werewolf just like him.

I could never measure up to her and that was something that I needed to accept now.

Having any sort of relationship with him whilst his mate was alive and present would simply be disastrous.

Him and I could have never worked in the first place.

When my thoughts had finally cleared up, I stepped out of the shower and dressed.

Soon, I walked into my office and waited.

I was waiting for him to come and find me which he soon did.

As he entered,his eyes didn't stray from mine, not even a minute and during this time I took a good look at him.

I couldn't deny and say that he was not attractive because he surely was and I'm sure that he knew that as well but as I continued to look at him , I realized that it wasn't worth it.

"Andrea, I know you might probably upset but let me explain"

He broke the silence and looked nervous and somehow guilty

Instead of retorting back like I usually would, I decided to remain silent and that seemed to have surprised him

"It wasn't what it looked like. I don't know what happened and for a minute my wolf took over and I had no control over my actions. I want you Andrea and I can't imagine having another woman being my partner and the future mother of my pups other than you. Please understand"

His entire sad excuse of a speech made me chuckle though it sounded more of a scoff

He was blaming his wolf rather than accepting his mistake

"Did you know that you have a mate?"

"Andrea I told you..*

"Answer me . It's either a yes or no. Did you know that you had a mate?"

"I did"

"And did you know that she was alive?"


"Have you ever met before?"

"Andrea list..."

"I gave you a chance to speak. I neither interrupted nor did I put words in your mouth so kindly answer my questions. Now I'll repeat my question, have you ever met your mate before?"

He looked down and nodded

Just as I expected

"What happened between you two?"

"It was a long time ago Andrea , it doesn't matter "

"I'll ask again. What happened between you two?"

"If you really want to know then I'll tell you. I met Larissa on my sixteenth birthday. I was of course the happiest wolf then however, there was a slight problem. She was the daughter to one of the most notorious rogues in the region.

Her mother led a violent pack of rogues that were invading smaller packs.

I thought she was different and thus I ignored my father's warnings which later on cost me.

Larissa was initially supposed to be a spy for her mother but her being my mate was not expected.

Either way, she used me to get information about the pack and I gave it all to her. I never thought of the repercussions because she was bound to be my future Luna.

On the day of the attack, she had poisoned both my dad and I with wolfs babe making us weak and defenseless against the attack.

Lives were lost and I lost my father that day. If it weren't for my mother and for the reinforcements ,then this pack would have collapsed.

Larissa was caught a day later after the chaos  and I had to pass judgement upon her.

Previously,the punishment for betrayal was death but I couldn't do that. My wolf wouldn't have taken it. And so I banished her out of the pack.

She came back after l those years because she needs protection from hunters and rogues but I assure you I have no feelings for her"

"Did you reject her?"

"No. Not yet"

"You know ,I'm so disappointed that I can't even feel any sort of anger at all"

"Andrea "

"You have a mate Xerxes for fucks sake , a mate and yet you want to be with me. You want to be with me yet you have a mate that you haven't rejected "

"Andrea just listen to me for one minute "

"No I will not. What could you possibly say that would make this situation any better? That you will reject her, that you somehow have feelings for me? That you can't bear loosing me huh? Is that what you want to say"

"Andrea listen to me! Larissa means absolutely nothing to me. The only reason I let her even stay in these lands is because she has important information that could help the pack. I just need you to trust me for once in your life. Trust me Andrea please"..

"I can't. I'm sorry Xerxes but I cannot trust you. I cannot keep doing that because the way I see things you might as well use me as a bargaining chip in the future because of your mate. You might trade me for some important information.

You are lart animal and soon you might get back together with your other half and when that happens what would happen to me?

Have you even thought about that?

When you reconcile with your mate do you think she would let me stay in this pack peacefully? Could you stop being selfish for once and think about what would happen to me?

I don't know how many times I have to tell you this?"


"My life is already a huge mess at the moment Xerxes"

"Trust me Andrea "

"Xerxes "

"Watch me prove my worth. Watch me earn you Andrea."


"Why can't you let me love you?"

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