Chapter 44

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You betrayed me
And I don't really care
If you feel sorry
    Olivia Rodrigo

The day that I had been waiting for had finally arrived.

It was the day that I was going to leave everything behind, except Amaya of course, because staying here would probably make things worse for her, and start all over again

Despite Xerxes's warning, I was still in communication with Lucien however it was much more low-key

Lucien helped me with the adoption process for Amaya and it was surprisingly really really fast.

Maybe it was due to the fact that their laws and requirements were different from us humans and also because he was one of the stake holders of the orphanage.

Lucien also helped me in terms of the assets that my parents, may their souls rest in peace , had left me.

I then came to know that I already had money , like a lot of money deposited in numerous bank accounts and I had about ten estates in my name already

Not to forget that I just happened to have lots of shares in different major companies in the human world.

I know. It sounded so surreal because all my life I had nothing to my name and then now all of a sudden I have what feels like everything

At this point, I might not even have to work . I could just choose to travel all over the world.

The thought of that excited me even further.

I then thought about how life had been these past few days

Xerxes had been walking around eggshells whenever he was around me.

Whereas Larissa always seemed  to find a way to irritate me.

However, I never gave her the satisfaction of having any reaction from me.

I ignored her every chance I got and avoided her because knowing her, she was definitely up to something

I wondered though, what Xerxes was thinking when he gave me that idiotic speech about wanting me to never leave

I mean who in their right sense of mind would stay after enduring all that I went through

I know that there are times where I'm delusional and slightly dumb but then there comes a time where no level of delusion or dumbness would make one stay.

I decided to take one last walk around the pack. I started at the orphanage , then to the lake and lastly I stopped at the training grounds.

I know that it was somewhat an odd choice but I kind of enjoyed watching the pack warriors train

There was just something about the way they would ram into each other at full speed over and over again and yet end up with no substantial injuries

I also loved watching how they would randomly shift to their wolf forms without even breaking a sweat.

Would I miss this? To be honest, no. As much as it intrigued me watching all this , I'd rather stay away from all of it

It's not like I would die or something if I left anyways

I looked at my wrist wat h and smiled

It was half past five. Lucien was to come and pick me up at around eight in the night.

We were to meet at the back of the orphanage and from there he would take care of all the rest

I then thought of the children from the orphanage that I was leaving behind.

They definitely don't need me anymore based on how they had been acting and behaving towards me ever since the year began

But anyways, I did my part and I did it wholeheartedly

Things will finally be better

That made me smile

Just as I was about to walk away, I felt a slight shiver.

And not in the good way

The last time I felt this was back then when I was with Nathaniel.

But no. Maybe it was just a chill in the air or something

I assumed that everything was okay, until hell somewhat broke loose

The pack warriors that wer training abruptly stopped and howled into the air

That didn't sound good

One of the instructors then rushed towards me

"You need to rush back to the orphanage!"

"What's going on?"

"Rogues. They have passed the borders and they are heading straight towards the pack. I need you to go back and ensure that the children are safe!"

A siren soon blared in the air


I didn't look back neither did I hesitate. I ran straight towards the pack house

I stepped on broken branches and nearly tripped on rocks but that didn't deter me

Not even the sound of my raging heartbeat nor the burning sensation I felt within my lungs

I had to get to the orphanage

Which I did in about fifteen minutes, however, everything was too silent.

The doors were shut though

I banged on it whilst yelling for then to open up , to which they did.

I headed straight to the underground bunkers where I assumed the children would be

On arrival, I began to look for the one child that I cared about


But then I couldn't find her and that made me panic

That made me panic and for a moment I couldn't breath

I tried to ask the kids but I didn't make any progress.I then approached the teens but apart from some teens giving and showing me attitude, I didn't get any answers.

That made me mad

Because Amaya was deaf and she also couldn't speak so what came into my mind was that these irresponsible wolves may have left her

That's it. It's time for me to be the bad guy.

"Okay forgive me for my language but if somebody doesn't tell me where the fuck Amaya is , I am going to beat the living shit out of y'all because I swear, that if something has happened to her I will deal with you all!"

That made everyone go silent

"You mean the deaf and mute girl?"

It was one of the omegas that spoke

"She has a name. Amaya . Now tell me where is she!"

"She ran outside when we were shutting the doors. She probably ran off to get her doll or something "

"Then why didn't you run to get her"

"What was the point of doing so. She isn't really that important anyways and besides..."

I didn't let her finish

The back of my left hand met with her cheek and I didn't restrain my strength


I felt so much rage

I didn't let her finish

I burst out through those doors and rushed to where I thought she would be

Because I knew the reason as to why she ran out

She was looking for me!

It'sy fault

My fucking fault

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