Chapter 31

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"I know right. Even I thought that I would spend my entire life sad and alone but who would have thought that your goddess had other surprising plans"

Lucien said having a smug look on his face. He was enjoying this a little bit too much for my liking but if it made Xerxes feel absolutely terrible and guilty then I was okay with following through it all

"How is this even possible. You haven't even known each other for that long and you claim that she is your soulmate"

"Woah, calm down man, why are you getting so worked up about this? You should relax ,I mean,you just got marked and all. Shouldn't you be with your mate right now planning for your future"

It was official. Lucien wanted to piss off Xerxes and it was working extremely well

"Andrea, tell me that he is lying"

He asked as he looked at me with expectant eyes and so , I did what would have surely made it  clear that Lucien was telling the truth

I placed my lips gently on Lucien's. It caught him by surprise but he didn't pull away, instead he held me closer.

I could hear Xerxes growling and I could feel his oppressive aura .

I pulled away after a minute then looked at the ground as if it were the most interesting thing

I needed to act demure and shy

It would solidify the effect

"I have been meaning to tell you this but I never got the opportunity"

I said ensuring that I never made any eye contact

Lucien, as the protective and loving partner, held me closer and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead

Before Xerxes could respond or react, Larissa, his mate did so instead


She looked shocked and I could see a hint of hurt and betrayal in her eyes but it was soon overshadowed with hatred .

Most of it was directed at me though to my surprise

What did I do this time?

"Luna Larissa"

Lucien replied icily and dryly as if the woman before him was just a random person.

His tone seemed to have have shocked her because her eyes widened for a second

"It's been quite a long time Lucien, how have you been?"

She asked, ignoring Xerxes who was fuming with rage

That is when everything clicked into place

Fuck, this was messed up

Larissa somehow still liked Lucien and Xerxes somehow liked me but then they just marked each other and thus seeing both I and Lucien together enraged both of them

One word


They both complicated the entire situation

This was going to be extremely interesting

Lucien ignored her question and instead nuzzled his head on my neck

That enraged both Larissa and Xerxes further

"Honey, the Luna just asked you a question, you need to reply otherwise it would make you look rude"

I whispered but because of their abilities of hearing things from afar, both Larissa and Xerxes heard.

"I have been good ,Luna and now that I have found my other half"he replied casually as he placed a kiss on my neck

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