Chapter 41

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Well no shit Sherlock

It was Larissa who unceremoniously spat out as she dramatically held her hands to her mouth in a sad excuse of what I assumed was shock.

The glint of frustration that so happened to be in her eyes gave her away

A missed opportunity. That was  what she was so shocked about .

My eyes darted to that of Xerxes and I couldn't help but feel enraged

It was truly a good thing that I had decided to keep Charlie as a secret.

Who knows what this pair of wolves would have done if they found out about little Charlie

Judging from the expressions on their faces they might have as well locked him up and molded him into being an asset to the pack or even worse bred him with one their daughters in the  future or they may as well make him a weapon that they could use whenever they would please in order to satisfy their selfish desires

My attention went back to the unfamiliar faces.

Judging from the way Charlie seemed calm and the way his little tail wagged, I could tell that they were indeed his family.

I let out a sigh and as I looked at the sky that was quickly turning grey. It was about to rain.

I truly needed to leave this place. Now that Charlie had found his family, I only have to worry about my little Amaya.

"Now that we have reunited with our pup, we shall leave "

It was the male that spoke . He stood in front of his mate and pup in a protective stance as if waiting for a sudden attack

Xerxes on the other hand ignored them and looked directly at me giving me an icy glare as if blaming me for not informing him of this earlier

But we both knew that him knowing would have made things worse because judging from how his logic and reasoning was,  I was sure that he wouldn't just let the child be found, instead, he would just use the pup to get benefits

"Alpha , Luna, it is truly wonderful that you have finally reunited with your pup and I am sure that you have travelled from far just to be able to reach here and because of that, please come inside and at least rest before you set off on your journey "

"Thank you so much for your offer"

It was the lady who happened to be little Charlie's mother that spoke

"But we really have to get going, besides, we don't want to bring unwanted attention and possible problems to your pack. However I would like to thank you young lady for taking care of my little Charlie

We are forever in your dept and if you ever need a favour, we will try our best to carry it out"

She turned to me and had a sincere smile on her face as she spoke

That smile and those words however weren't taken very well by Larissa instead she looked like she wanted to tear me into pieces

Anyways, I was leaving this God forsaken pack soon and this would no longer be my problem

"We shall now take our leave, once again thank you young lady"

Little Charlie approached me and nuzzled his little furry face against my hand and with one last glance he ran back to his new family

The rest of their little pack gave me a nod in order to acknowledge me before they left as they came leaving me with two angry wolves

How peachy

"Why didn't you inform me of this Andrea. Why didn't you tell me that their was a pup that had shifted?

Do you know how dangerous things could have gotten if that pup died or if something happened to it"

Xerxes yelled

"Do you know of the big opportunity that the lack has just lost you filthy human. Can't you think with that brain of yours for once

We could have made a name for ourselves better yet we would have earned the loyalty of that pack and even merged them together

So many endless opportunities and you just had to crush and ruin them even before they could mature

If it wasn't for the fact that my mate somewhat is kind a gracious, I would have had you fed to the rogues s long time ago"

It was Larissa. One could tell based off the selfish and overbearing words that she just uttered

"Are you both done? If so , I shall excuse myself"

"Why you ungrateful little pesky human..."

"What is with you and all the demeaning comments Luna Larissa because the last I heard of you are supposed to be a kind, wise and sensible wolf however, all you seem to show me is how animalistic and small minded you are

In fact you literally are truly the definition of an animal because you don't reason at all

Right now you basically asked that pack of wolves to sit here and wait for their deaths otherwise, why would you ask an endangered group of wolves to stay here where rogues and the council that is hunting and experimenting on them can easily access ?

If that's not being stupid then what is

And as for you Alpha Xerxes, you have no right to question me on why I did it because both of us know very well what the outcome would have been if I did inform you

And also another reminder, I am no longer working for the orphanage because you fired me and so I have no obligation to answer or explain any of my actions to you"

"Don't forget whose pack you're in Andrea. I may have fired you from the orphanage but that doesn't mean that you can roam around freely and do as you please in this pack

You shall be assigned new responsibilities by the end of the week and I expect you to carry them out otherwise you will have to face the consequences "

"I agree. We can't have you free loading in the pack"

This pair of wolves were really destined to be mates

"There's no point in going through the trouble because I'm leaving and it's for good !"

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