Chapter 40

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Sooo I know that this is completely unnecessary and none of y'all care buut imma say it. My current situationship  hasn't texted me yet and it's like midnight and soo because of that imma give you another update lol. I still love y'all


Relief seemed to flood over his features and a faint smile could be seen on his lips

"Yes,but I have a condition"

As much as I wanted to leave I couldn't do so without my two little munchkins

"Anything you want Andrea, I'll do anything in my power for you to have it"

"Well, there are two children in the orphanage, Amalya and Charlie. If I'm to leave with you then they are coming with me"

"Consider it done Andrea, I swear, you won't regret this decision "

"And I need you to know that I have issues and lots of problems "

"We all have issues Andrea "

"No Lucien, I have issues and problems loads of them , I just needed you to know"

"We will work on them as time goes by Andrea. You have made the first and most important step, which is leaving this place, that's what matters and as for the children I'll make sure that I wi...."

Before Lucien could finish his statement, sirens rung through the air


The entire restaurant was in disarray as people fled out the doors.

Fuck! The children

"I'm sorry Lucien but the children!"

"I'm not letting you go alone!"

"I have to, please find me later okay"


"I just need to make sure that they are safe"

I didn't wait for his reply and rushed to the orphanage only to find a furious looking alpha and the Luna waiting at the front

I also noticed a group of ten if not fifteen people standing directly across them

I didn't approach Xerxes instead I stood at a distance but I could hear ever single word that they said

"How dare you trespass into this land without any formal approval!"

"We do not come here to fight. We just want our pup!"

It was the largest of the males that spoke. I thought Xerxes was talk but this man.

His aura screamed the word ruthless and dangerous. Even the way his eyes glinted and the way his jaw clenched demanded respect and implicated fear into the hears of those standing next to him

"We felt our pup shift, all we need is our little pup, we won't cause any trouble, just give us our pup"

It was a lady who said this. I could tell from a distance that she was the man's mate judging from the way he stood protectively Infront of her and how he placed an arm around her waist

Something  then hit me so fucking hard and by something I mean a realization

They mentioned a pup shifting

And the only pup that I know was little Charlie

And if these wolves were little Charlie's parents then fuck, we were all screwed, but another possibility was that these people might be an enemy pack that had come to get rid of little Charlie

The worst possible outcome was that they wanted Charlie in order to carry out those cruel experiments on him or maybe they would try to breed him in order to get powerful pups


This was messed up.

"We do not know of this pup that you speak of and now I need you to exit the pack that you unceremoniously barged into!"

You know at times I tend to think that Xerxes's braincells seem to be decreasing each and everyday

I know that he is the most feared alpha in the region but doesn't this man sense that the men in front of him could kill him in the most painful ways without breaking a sweat and what about that evil Luna of his

Instead of eye raping the men ,shouldn't she advice Xerxes on a better way to handle this so as to not cause an impending war because one thing that I was sure of and judging from all that I'd read, these people were more than enough to wipe out this entire pack


At times I wonder what I did in my previous life to not care about my current life.

I stepped in between the two in order to prevent the fight that might have occurred

"The child ,pup ,that you speak of is indeed here and I do respect you sir and the members of your pack I assume but I can't just simple hand over the child to you"

This made all of them growl

"What do you mean that you have the child! Why wasn't I notified of a child that shifted Andrea! "

I ignored Xerxes and faced the other people

"We all know what you are and how important the child is to you all, you also know that the knowledge of his existence and yours is a liability.

I am sure that you are also aware as to why I cannot just simply hand over the child to you without adequate evidence that he is yours"

The lady seemed to understand and I'm sure that she used the mind link to inform the others

They did not want the identity of their  origin to be mentioned and they also probably realized the dangers that could befall little Charlie.

They must have also understood what I was trying to say and my doubts. Charlie was special and the people who hunted them down long ago might try to get him if word spread out

"Little human, I know of your doubts and your worries but fear not for we are his family"

"I cannot just give him away , there are procedures to be done and I still need proof "

"We do not follow such ways human for we are not of your kind. The child can also feel our presence, it is only a matter of time before he..."

And that's when I saw a little furry ball dash towards the couple.

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