Chapter 46

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Suddenly, the rogues crouched down and I could hear bones break

It was going to freaking shift

How peachy?

I shut my eyes because I wasn't ready to see the human version of that rogue

"And so we meet"

It was a woman's voice

I gathered strength and raised my head.

She was now standing behind two rogues

Her eyes were aurburn brown and she had a scar running from her left eye to the base of her neck

I shivered to the thought of how she got it.

He hair was dirty blonde and judging from the way I could see the details on her face despite those rogues seeming to tower myself, I could tell that she was either 5'8 or 5'9

I tried to rack my brains in regards to her identity but I couldn't quite seem to recall if I had ever met her

The first thought that came to my head was 'Who was this bitch that just tried to scare the shit out of me?'

But then the logical part of my brain that still wanted to live stopped me from voicing that thought

"So you're the girl that has been causing all this chaos . You are not even that beautiful to begin with"


"Who are you"


Zerabi? I heard of that name before. It was the name that the former Luna had mentioned when she was getting me out of the cell

"What do you want from me Zerabi?"

"Courageous little thing, look at you trying to show your claws . It so cute"

She was taunting me. She knew that I had no power to do anything that could harm her

She gave me the impression of a giant snake and I was the mouse that was about to be devoured.

I had no chances of survival.

"If you're going to kill me just do it , no need to beat around the bush "

"Patience girl! You are but of course going to die but not today."

"Should I be grateful for that then or do you want me to beg and grovel at your feet asking for you to spare me"

Her fellow rogue friends growled at me

If it wasn't for the fact that I was running on adrenaline, I would have gotten a heart attack.

One can't blame though because let's just face it, which normal human would be extremely fearless in this kind of situation

"Have you always been this way? All talkative and very defiant"

"Could we skip the talk and get to the killing part because my body hurts so much right now and talking to you feels like a tedious task. Not that you are annoying or anything of the sort but if you could just take a good look at me, you will notice that my bones may or may not be broken at the moment"

"That tongue of yours is going to get you killed girl"

"I'm already a dead man walking or lying on the ground because that's what I am currently doing miss, so I might as well make the best out of it or am I supposed to cry and feel all depressed and all"

"Actually no , because I just realized that I haven't given you a good reason to."

She then walked towards one of the trees towards the furthest left

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