Chapter 45

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I need to find Amaya.

I could feel my chest burn and it was getting harder to breath.

The once brightly and lively environment became gloomy. A sinister feeling was hanging around in the air.

I didn't care about the cuts I was getting from the low hanging branches neither did I care about the thorns that I stepped on as I ran

My only focus was getting to Amaya before those rogues did

Sirens were blaring from a distance and I could hear howls nearby

Panic. Anger. Pain

Those three emotions coursing within me were causing havoc .

I need to find her. I couldn't loose her. At least not in such a way.

I tried to think of the specific spots that she could have probably run off in order to look for me and trust me that that was the most important thing I had thought to do because I found her almost instantly when I arrived at the meadow

There she was, curled into a small ball and I could hear whimpers coming from her

She too knew that there was danger but despite that she rushed straight towards it in order to find me

Some may call that insane and stupid but to me that meant so many much.

When I thought back to the number of people who would run straight towards the face of danger just to save me, there was barely one yet this young pup did that

The moment she saw me , she jumped right into my arms and nuzzled her head into my neck

I could feel the pace of her heartbeat and the small shivers that she had.

Amidst the chaos she seemed to find Solace and peace within my arms.

The sweet reunion was however held to a halt when I noticed three to four rogues surrounding us.

For a moment second I felt as if my heart skipped a beat or two

My mind was racing as I tried to think of all the possible ways of getting out of this situation unharmed but I needed up getting none

This couldn't be it

Not when I was about to finally get out of here

Not when I finally was getting a breakthrough in this God forsaken life of mine

This just couldn't be the end

I wasn't going to accept it

However I needed to remember that I also had the life of this young pup in my arms

And that was when I came to a sad but final conclusion

Amaya had to be safe

She had to live

And for that to happen, I needed to be ready to walk through that valley of the shadow of death

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I thought of all the things I could have done with my life

Another tear fell as I thought about how Amaya also had so much to live for and achieve in her life.

And so I made her face me and as I wiped her tears and patted her back I mouthed instructions to her

Instructions that she kept of shaking her head in defiance as she held on tighter

"I need you to run baby. When I give you the signal I need you to run back to the orphanage. Okay. I'll be right behind you baby.

I need you to run .

I love you baby girl, so live for me!"

My eyes then darted back to the rogues that were now growling in agitation


This is for the best

And with that I broke into a sprint with Amy i my arms

This took the rogues by surprise but that didn't mean that they stood still and watched us run

They followed right behind us

As risky as it was , I threw Amaya towards the opposite direction and she caught the Memo

She gave me one last look filled with sadness but the ran

"Come on motherfuckers, it's me that you want, so come and get me!"

By taunting them , I got their attention away from Amaya and ran even faster

To be honest, I was generally very un fit and hated any form of exercise most especially running but this was my life I was talking about

And besides it seemed as if my body wasn't willing to just wait for my death so that's where the adrenaline came from .

But I was as sure that by the time I get caught, my arms and feet will be already covered in scratch and bruises

I didn't know where I was running to buy I kept on moving

That was until I tripped on a branch and gravity took it's course

I fell unceremoniously and ended up rolling down

To be honest, every single part of my body hurts so damn much as I rolled down .

And when I finally stopped I felt way worse

This was the end

At least I fought

And so I waited for the rogues to claw my guts out and eat me but then the pain never came

That was when I gathered courage to open my eyes .

Which unfortunately met with bloody red ones

Let me tell you, I saw fear and death

All at the same time

My breath hitched and I lost all feeling to my feet

A cold sweat broke out and I could feel a number of chills run down my spine

I was so fucked

Surprisingly,the rogues wolf didn't lunge at me , instead it just observed me

The other rogue wives were standing at a distance and they seemed to be waiting. Waiting for something

There was of course an internal debate in my head

Maybe some rogue werewolf king fell in love with me at first sight and now it came back to claim me as it's queen but that was extremely cliche and wouldn't even happen because every time I encountered a rogue , which was only once, they tried to eat me

So basically there I was lying I. The most unpresentable position, whilst feeling as if I was about to die cause of the pain caused by the impact of the fall I took whilst a rogue with bloody red eyes stared down at me

This was going to end up in either two ways but the final result was going to be one

I was going to die either way

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