Chapter Twenty - Newt

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I'm not sure what's worse, the burning sensation of the electricity or the heart wrenching pain of watching Addy's reaction to my pain. My eyes sting with tears of pain and sorrow.

"Don't hurt him!" Addy shrieks, throwing herself forward to no avail.

"I won't," Janson promises, "so long as you cooperate. I'll ask again, why did he do it?" I grit my teeth and glare daggers at the man, wishing he could feel them.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" The desperation in Addy's voice hurts me to the core. Only moments ago, we were so happy, but now... my body spasms uncontrollably from the pain. Electricity leaps all over my body and I scream in agony at the blistering sensation the ting lightning brings. I've given up all attempts at being brave and let the pain melt from my mouth in a scream.

"Stop it!" Addy begs, tears dripping down her face. Even with the weak, labored breathing I'm experiencing, a part of me is pleased with how much she cares for me. Tiny daggers bury themselves in my skin and the pleasantries are forgotten, buried in my agony.

The wicked man disregards her and presses again."Why did he do it? Why did your brother put you in the wrong Maze? What's his plan?" Anger intensifies in his words and I can see the visible frustration in his gritted teeth.

"I don't know!" She cries. "I don't remember! Just please don't hurt Newt!" Addy's face blurs as tears and stars muddle my sight.

Janson nods to the woman again and she flicks the switch, her pale face void of expression. Pain explodes all along my body and my vision goes red, then black. Every part of me is in pain. I physically can't take it anymore. I swallow oxygen desperately but get enveloped in darkness and everything disappears.


I cling to my little sister desperately. I won't leave her. I'll never leave Lizzy. Who was I kidding. I never had a choice. The men who just murdered my parents scoop us up like it's nothing and take us from our old home into the snow. I shake, but not from the cold. The sounds of gunshots ring through my head and I pinch my eyes closed in attempt to evade the visions, but they dance in the darkness nonetheless. Blood. Blood, dripping from the wounds embedded into his parents skin. Eyes open and unmoving, still sparkling with tears that would never fall.

As we're thrown into the vehicle, tears streak down my face silently. Lizzy scrambles over and takes my hand in hers. My baby sister's face is wet with tears, but her mouth is drawn in a line of determination. I hug her against my shaking body. She's so brave. I think as I hold her. So much braver than me.

The image melts away and is replaced by a new one.

It wasn't hard to figure out what they wanted me to say. I didn't care what they made me call myself, but I wouldn't forget her. Lizzy. I repeat my sister's name in my head like a mantra every time I'm afraid. Lizzy. She's all that matters. Lizzy. She makes me brave.

"Do you have a sister?"

I shake my head, breathing heavily. Lizzy. Lizzy. Lizzy. "No."

"I want to believe you, Newt."

"No!" I say more forcefully this time, but everytime J say it, it feels like my heart is being torn from my chest. Lizzy. Lizzy. Lizzy.

"You're lying. You need to believe it."

I just shake my head, afraid if I open my mouth, all the will come out will be sobs. Lizzy. Lizzy. Lizzy. I love you, Lizzy.

𝓣𝓱𝓮  𝓑𝓻𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓭  𝓪𝓷𝓭  𝓽𝓱𝓮  𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷  - ᴀ ᴍᴀᴢᴇ ʀᴜɴɴᴇʀ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄWhere stories live. Discover now