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Lacey woke up in bed and looked to Tom as he lay next to her and smiked. Lacey placed a hand on her stomach and sighed. Lacey knew how her head was a mess and how she couldn't stop thinking over how she was pregnant

Lacey knew how it was still a shock and she knew that she couldn't get her head over what and Tom had been through but she knew that she did want to make it work

Lacey knew how she wanted it to work out more than anything. She loved Tom and they had been through so much and she wanted this. She wanted a baby with him

"Are you okay" Tom asked as he looked to her as lacey smiled "I'm good. I'm happy I am in a good place and I have you and you make me so happy and I want you to know how grateful I am for you" she said

Tom looked to her and smirked as he pulled her closer and kissed her and smirked

"I know how things have been and how it hadn't been easy but we will be okay. We will do this and it will work out as I know that you are going to be the best mum ever" Tom said as he leant in and kissed her

Lacey smirked into the kiss as she looked to him before she pulled away "hold that thought" she said as she stood from the bed.

She rushed to the bathroom as she hunched over the toilet and threw up. She grabbed to herself as she felt someone pull back her hair and smiled as she looked to tom

"I know it's not easy but it will be okay. We can do this. I am with you every step of the way" Tom said as lacey looked to him and smiled

Lacey got to work and smiled as she saw Alexis. She walked over to where her sister was and smiled "hey are you okay" Lacey asked as Alexis looked to her and sighed

"I guess I am just thinking over things the baby and all. I don't know what to do" she said as Lacey looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard and I know what I did but you were ten at the time and I was off the rails. You aren't like how I was. Your a good person and you made a mistake but you can have this baby. You can do it, if it is what you want. Mum can't make this decision for you" Lacey said

Alexis looked to her and smiled "how can I have a baby when I have nothing"

"You have love. That's all a baby needs and the rest..you'll get help with. It will be okay" Lacey said as Alexis smiled

Lacey walked into toms classroom and smiled as she sat in the edge of his desk. He looked to her and smiled

"Are you okay" he asked as she smiled

"I'm good. I mean I know that things aren't easy but it will be okay. I mean I have you and we are going to have things baby together and I love you and I couldn't be anymore excited to do this with you" she said as Tom pulled her into his arms.

He leant in and kissed her and smiled "I know that it won't be easy and how it will change everything but we are going to have this baby and make it work I know that we are" Tom said lacey smiled hoping that he was right

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