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Lacey groaned to herself as she woke up. She felt awful. She pulled her knees to her chest and sighed. She could feel the morning sickness hit her as she shot out of bed and into the bathroom as she fell to the floor and threw up. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed as she continued to throw up. She pulled her knees to her Chest and sighed to herself as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed. It was starting to hit her that she was pregnant and she was scared. She was scared of what to do. She felt more alone than ever and it scared her "are you okay" Lacey heard Rachel skied as Lacey looked up at her and sighed "I will be" she said as Rachel walked into the bathroom and looked to her and smiled. Rachel could tell that Lacey was scared even if she tried to act strong.

"Come on, talk to me. I'm your mum and I am here to help" Rachel said as Lacey placed a hand on her stomach and sighed "I don't know, I don't know if I can do this alone. I'm just so scared" Lacey said as Rachel looked to her and smiled. Rachel could see just how scared that Lacey was as Rachel realised that she was only a child still, she was on twenty and she was still her little girl. Rachel looked to her and smiled "I know your scared but I promise you they your not alone, if Tom is too much of a coward than I'm here to help you" Rachel said as Lacey smiled as Rachel hugged her "I promise you that you are never alone. I'm here and so is Alexis, no matter what happens" Rachel said as Lacey looked to her and smiled


Lacey got to work and sighed. She was feeling rotten and wasn't in the mood for work. She stood in the staffroom as Tom walked in and smiled. He looked to her and smiled "can we talk" he asked as she sighed "why what's the point" she asked as he looked to her "please, I've been a coward and I'm sorry. I do want to be involved with you and the baby, I'm just scared" he said as Lacey looked to him and sighed "so am i Tom" she said as he looked to her and smiled "I'm going to do the right thing I promise" tom said as Lacey nodded. She didn't know if she could trust him, she didn't know if she could trust him not to let her down again


Alexis walked into toms classroom and looked to him. Tom looked to her and smiled "Alexis, how can I help you" tom asked as she looked to him and sighed "I came to tell you that you need to stop messing with my sister, she's been hurt by you enough and the last thing that she needs is to go through it again. Stop messing her around" "I'm not" "then tell your girlfriend or I will" Alexis said as she walked off

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