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Lacey ran a hand through her hair and sighed as she stood packing up her car and sighed. She was leaving. She had enough of Tom and his mind games. Lacey sighed as she placed a hand on her small bump and sighed as Alexis walked out and looked to her "you can't actually leave, you know that. Your having his baby after all" Alexis said as Lacey looked to her and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair "why, Tom doesn't care about me or the baby all he cares over is himself it's for the best" Lacey said as she walked into the house. Alexis looked after her sister and frowned. She was worried and she didn't want to loose her sister because of him. Alexis walked off into the house and sighed to herself, Lacey was leaving and there was nothing that she could do about it. She 2as going up make Tom pay for it

Lacey sighed to herself as she stood in her classroom as she stood clearing her desk. She was leaving by the end of the day. She looked as Tom walked in and sighed as she looked to him "I'm not in the mood Tom" she said as he looked to her and frowned "I'm leaving. It's for the best so you and rose can be together and can be happy. As I know I'm not" she said as Tom looked to her and frowned "and the baby" "don't ask like you care, about me or the baby" "it's my baby" he said as Lacey looked to him and rolled her eyes "I'm leaving Tom, and you can't stop me" Lacey said as she pushed past Tom and walled off as he sighed to himself knowing he has pushed her away once and for all


Lacey got home and stood in her room, she was trying to seeing she had everything before she left "Lacey" she heard Tom say as she turned around and faced him and frowned "what are you doing here" "your mum let me in, please don't go I'll do anything. I don't want to loose you or the baby I'll leave roses" he said as Lacey looked to him and sighed "last week you didn't even care and now I am leaving you do. You can't just mess with my head like that" Lacey said as Tom looked to her and sighed "I'm not, I want you I do. I know that you don't believe me but please, don't go" Tom said as Lacey looked to him with tears in her eyes and sighed "I can't trust you not to break my heart I'm sorry Tom" lacey said


Tom frowned to himself as he sat in his car and sighed. His head was a mess over Lacey, he didn't want her to go and he didn't realise how much he loved her. He was Alexis and frowned "I need your help, your going to get Lacey to stay" he said as Alexis looked to him and rolled her eyes "and why would I do that" "because if you don't I'll tell your mum you have been sleeping with max Tyler" Tom said as she looked to him and frowned

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