Chapter 8

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"Boss?" Trevor's voice brought Zyler out of his murderous rage.

"Who wrote this?" he scrolled further down. Whoever had written this must've lost their god fucking forsaken mind.

"Umm, it is a girl, boss," Zyler's brows creased at this new piece of information.

"A girl? But the article seemed to have been posted from a guy's account?" the account was under someone named Aiden.

"Yes, boss, but whoever did it must've thought they could hide under the pretense of a man. You know how social media works. People think they can hide behind the screens, but unfortunately, it doesn't fly that way," Trevor chuckled.

"Do you have absolute proof that this is a girl," he kick-started the engine.

"I do, boss," Trevor had already traced the IP address and location of the building she lives in with the help of his IP department. 

"Do you know where this person lives?" he pressed the accelerator, taking the car jet speed onto the road.

"England boss," a number 11 formed between his beautifully shaped brows.

"England?" he asked for confirmation.

"Yes, boss," Trevor ensured he had the correct info. His boss hated half-cocked work. He expected nothing but the best from his employees.

"What else do you know about this person?" he switched to Bluetooth, sliding the earpiece into his ear.

"I am not sure who she is or what her name is. Her bills didn't have her name. She must not be owing it," Trevor inquired about her, using her IP address, knowing his boss would want to know about her. But there was only so much he could find.

"I see. What are the interactions for this post so far?" he controlled his anger to hit every person who was delaying him from getting home.

"We removed it from circulation as soon as we saw it, boss, but I am sure it had reached quite a few, but not many," Trevor had pulled the analytics for that post already.

Zyler hummed. "All right," his voice was calm, but Trevor could sense the threat behind it.

"Do you want a photo or name of the girl?" Trevor inquired.

"No, just send me the location," he pulled into the driveway of his mansion. He didn't care who she was or if it was that person in that location. If it came to saving his reputation, he would kill the entire town if needed. Pumping the brakes, he hopped out of his car and called Cole. "I need the jet ready in 30, Cole. I am traveling to England," he uttered, hastily climbing up the steps.

"England?" Cole rubbed his eyes.

"Yes, I will be leaving in an hour," he undid his jacket and threw it on the couch.

"What's there?" Cole yawned, nudging Lily closer.

"Some silly girl wrote an article about Stone industries funding illegal activities," he walked into his closet to pick another jacket.

"So, all this for an article?" Cole didn't understand why Zyler was going there himself. He was sure this was way below his capabilities, and he did not need to do so.

"All this for an article, yes," Zyler threw his phone on the bed and cranked his neck. The tension those muscles were causing was pissing him off.

"Why do you have to trouble yourself? I am sure our people will take care of it," he was not questioning Zyler, though he had been working for and with him, he knew his boss could snap any minute.

"Because I want to send a message to the world to not mess with me or my businesses," a tired yawn slithered out of his mouth.

"All right, I will inform him immediately," he hung up on Zyler, calling the pilot. He drove to the airport and closed his eyes for a minute when he received a phone call from Cole.

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