Chapter 76

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She leaned against the door, closing her eyes. Autumn let her tears flow freely. This was it. This would be the last time that she would ever see him. Wiping her tears, she heaved a breath. Looking back at the door one last time, she walked away. This time, the whistles and kissing sounds of the inmates did not bother as her eyes were filled with tears and her heart with guilt.

Autumn leaned against the door and closed her eyes, allowing her tears to flow freely. She knew that this was the end, and it was likely that she would never see him again. With a deep breath, she wiped away her tears and took one last look at the door before walking away. The whistles and kissing sounds of the inmates did not bother her this time, as her heart was filled with guilt, and her eyes were still filled with tears. This was a difficult goodbye, but it was time for her to move on.

The driver stood outside, and she needed a moment to compose her thoughts. The prospect of reuniting with April after 12 agonizing years filled her with anticipation and trepidation. She couldn't help but wonder what her elder sister looked like now. Had the years been kind to her? Did she still possess the same ethereal beauty that enchanted everyone when they were 10 and 11?

April had always been the epitome of beauty and grace in their childhood, the Belle of the Ball. She was sure that April had blossomed into an even more enchanting woman. She longed to glimpse the stunning woman her sister had become. However, little did she know that her sister's beauty had come at a steep price, one filled with pain that came with being tied to a demon in human form. April was no longer the woman she remembered; she had transformed into a shattered shell of her former self, bearing the scars of a harrowing journey that remained concealed from the world.

Zyler was leaning against a wall, staring into the dim light. The taser the guards used on him didn't work, and he opened his eyes the minute they took it off his body. He was lost in thought when there was a knock on the glass, and he hoped it was Autumn, but instead, a man with a sly smile appeared glaring at Zyler.

Liam instructed Eric to unlock the door, and despite his worries, Eric did as he was told. Liam entered the room with a graceful but tired face. He knew he hadn't slept since April left him, but Zyler's pain brought Liam sadistic satisfaction. If he couldn't be with April, Zyler shouldn't be with Autumn.

With a cunning smirk, Liam knelt before Zyler. "How does it feel, brother?" he touched Zyler's face, gathering the blood that was on his forehead.

"Looks like you received a warm welcome in this prison?" he continued as Zyler didn't answer his question.

"I have always envied you, Zy," he admitted, folding his legs as he settled comfortably on the floor.

"You had everything. I liked you as a kid, but that didn't matter. All I have for you now is enmity," he stared into Zyler's face while the man looked elsewhere.

"April," he breathed. "That girl came into my life as a breath of fresh air. I have never tried to be a human," he chuckled. "But for her, I was ready to let everything go."

Silence ruled the space once again, as Zyler didn't give Liam what he wanted. "She was my everything, and you took it away from me," Liam gritted his teeth.

"You took my kingdom. I was okay," he taunted Zyler with a calm tone. "You killed my dad. I let it be," he could care less about his pedophile and rapist of a father. "That son of a bitch deserves death anyway."

"But you took my heart," this time, Zyler looked at Liam with anger that could burn him down. Eric was sure that Zyler would rip out of those chains, but somehow, Zyler held his composure.

"And you know what I did? I took the queen, your queen. You might have my kingdom, but I will have the queen and her sister." Before Liam could utter another word, Zyler struck him with a headbutt, like a dark force unleashed from the depths of shadow.

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