Chapter 29

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Zyler tucked his dick in his pants. Panting heavily, Zyler leaned back in his chair, his body still ablaze with the heat of his desire. His shirt was sweaty, and his hair clung to his forehead in damp strands. With high passion, he reached for the glass of water on his desk and gulped it down, feeling the coolness soothe his parched throat.

Just as he was about to turn on the air conditioner to bring down the temperature, the door swung open, and Cole strode in, his eyes widening at the sight of his boss's disheveled appearance.

"You, okay?" Cole asked, his tone a mix of concern and amusement.

Zyler nodded, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "Just another day at the office," he quipped, trying to hide the lingering desire that still burned within him. He silently cursed himself for letting her get under his skin so easily.

"Why did Eric walk out of the office unharmed?" Cole wasn't questioning Zyler. He was curious to know why he let Eric walk out. He stood outside of the room, listening to their conversation. This is not the Zyler he knew.

Zyler quirked a brow, "questioning my motives, Cole?" Zyler laced his fingers, questioning his right hand.

"No. I was just curious," Cole cleared his throat.

Zyler's lips curved into a sly smile. "Let's just say, Cole, that sometimes the best way to win is to let your enemy think they've won," he remarked. "I let him walk out because I want him alive," Zyler's mind is always a maze, incomprehensible. Zyler is always playing a game, with his thoughts and plans always several steps ahead of everyone else. He is calculating and strategic, always thinking about the bigger picture and how to come out on top. Cole is aware of Zyler's cunning and accepts it, knowing that there are always layers to his plans that may not be immediately apparent. So, he nodded and walked out.

Thoughts of her consumed his mind, a relentless hunger that he couldn't satisfy no matter how hard he tried. The mere memory of her taste on his tongue made his body ache with a desperate longing. He knew he shouldn't let her get to him like this, but he was helpless against her seductive allure. He could feel her presence everywhere, haunting him, even in his dreams.

Zyler tried to push her out of his mind, but it was like trying to hold back the tide. She had taken up residence in his thoughts, her presence a constant distraction from his work. He tried to focus on the task at hand, but his mind kept wandering back to her, to the way her body had felt against his, to the softness of her skin, the scent of her hair.

He knew he was playing with fire but couldn't resist the temptation. The more he tried to deny his desire, the stronger it grew until it consumed him completely. The way her clit writhed under his tongue and the way his dick responded to it, all these memories, made his mouth water.

His mind went back to the first time he hid in her closet. He was bold, no doubt, but something about watching her sleep all night topped everything else he did to her. It was a rainy day. Zyler finished his work early and reached her apartment before she could. He trudged through her apartment, memorizing all the details of her. He touched the surfaces she owned, and the bed she slept on, the shower she used, the shampoo's owned. The number of times he jerked off standing in her apartment was numerous. It had become his ritual. Only she could make him cum with just her scent.

It was one of those evenings when she came home late. Zyler was waiting for her, as he had no intention of leaving her alone. He was about to go for another beating session when the door of her apartment opened.

His heart jumped in victory. She stepped in, locking the door, and he stood there watching her do it. The victory was his as she stepped further into the apartment, completely unaware of his presence. The darkness of the room worked in his favor, his shadow blending seamlessly into the surrounding blackness. Zyler slipped into the closet as she stepped forward. The darkness of the closet enveloped him, and he felt a strange sense of comfort in its embrace. It was his sanctuary, his place of power, where he could watch without being seen. He relished the feeling of control, of being able to observe her every move without her even realizing it.

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