Chapter 81

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Autumn's heart thumped as the car entered the dirt road. A lot happened while she was there. There were so many tears, so many sleepless nights, and a lot of chases. More importantly, she gave herself to him in there.

The car stopped, but her heart did not. Thoughts raced a million miles. Wiping her hands on her thighs, she got down as the guards opened the doors. April clung to Autumn's hands with Peaches in her arms.

"It is okay, Rilley, we are safe here," she knew she was home. It was as if her heart breathed again.

"Let's go," Cole instructed the guards to open the doors.

April looked around curiously, but Autumn's eyes were searching for something or someone. Where was he? Was he there? Was he in his study? She didn't know. On her way in, she noticed the plants she planted were still alive and thriving. She wondered who took care of them while she was away. Zyler wasn't someone to take care of gentle items. But maybe he did.

They entered the house and noticed everything was in the same place she had left. "Where are we?" April's voice brought her out of her trance.

"States," Autumn walked to the balcony and opened the door. The countless nights she spent there with him while he held her after torturing her came into her mind. Sighing, she pushed those thoughts away.

"You still have your job if you want it," Cole stood next to her and typed something on his phone.

"Huh?" She couldn't believe that position was still open. "How?"

"There was someone else working in that role, but we can fire her and get you back," Cole knew this was what Zyler wanted. He temporarily hired someone in her place to oversee his press releases in Autumn's absence.

"No," Autumn immediately voiced her opinion. She couldn't let someone get fired because of her. "I want her to be in the role. I don't know if I want to take the job," she didn't know if she was ready to face him yet. Taking this job would put her in a position to interact with him. "I will find something else." She didn't want to be without work either.

Cole nodded in understanding. "You can stay here. This is your place as well." Cole walked out of the house.

"Did you live here?" April asked, looking around. Her eyes landed on Zyler's picture on the wall. "Is that him?" April smiled. "He looks kind," April didn't know what this man could do.

"Kind?" Autumn scoffed. Nobody had ever heard someone call Zyler kind. Her eyes landed on the life-size portrait. He looked handsome as ever. "I will show you to your room," she led April into her room.

"No one can touch you here, Rilley. "Don't worry," she hugged her sister and asked her to rest. She walked into the room where she gave herself to him. He must've changed or erased every trace of her. She tried to open the door, but it was locked. Sighing, she turned away and walked out. She wanted to look around.

She cooked something; it was almost night by the time she was done. She called April, and they had dinner quietly. "Good night, Atty," she wished Autumn, walking to her room. She turned around, "are you not going to bed?"

"I will wait here for a while. I am not sleepy," that wasn't the reason. She wanted to see him. She fell asleep on the table. The clock struck nine, and a bright white light woke her up. The headlights of the car lit the room up. Immediately, she got up and ran to the window.

As the door swung open, he stepped out onto the pavement. Autumn's gaze fixated on his retreating figure. The car lights behind him cast an ethereal glow, enveloping him in a captivating aura. He looked handsome as ever as if a day hadn't passed. There was no happiness on his face. It looked stoic and expressionless.

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