Chapter 30

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Zyler sat on the edge of his seat, his fingers tapping impatiently on the desk as he meticulously combed through the drone footage. His eyes flicked back and forth between the screens, scanning for any signs of weakness or vulnerability in his targets.

The walls of his office were lined with all manner of illegal technology, which people would mistake for decoration. One had to look closely to understand what they were, including the sleek, silver drones he used to take down his enemies. They were his most prized possession, the secret key to his power and dominance. He could operate it from anywhere, and without them knowing, he could render them unconscious.

With a flick of his wrist, he zoomed in on a particular target, watching with a sense of satisfaction as the dart from his drone found its mark, sending the unsuspecting victim into a deep slumber. The power he held in his fingertips was intoxicating.

But even as he reveled in his victories, he knew he had to be careful. The drones were his greatest weapon, but they were also a liability. He created them with his own mind. They were his babies. He scoffed at the thought of the government trying to regulate his activities. They raided his businesses many times, but he managed to dodge them every single time. They could try, but they would never succeed in bringing him down.

The door opened, and Lily walked in. "Zy," she ran to him and hugged him. Zyler immediately got up and responded to her hug.

"How are you, Lilly?" He made her sit on the other end of his table.

"I am great. Where were you? What took you so long?" She didn't give him a chance to speak. She kept throwing questions at him like daggers.

"I had to be away for work for a while," he rounded to his desk and took his seat.

"But. You are never away for this long. What kept you there?" she was searching his eyes for something.

Zyler smiled, "well. England is interesting this time," he leaned back and crossed his legs.

"Interesting?" Lily was looking around. She would have found something in his eyes if she had looked closely. Something even God would miss if their attention weren't keen on him.

"Yeah. You know how they say every time you lay eyes on something or venture into uncharted territory, you unearth new beauty in the most unexpected places," he muttered," he internally scoffed at his own poetry shit.

"I don't get it," she saw a new Zyler in him. England definitely changed him this time. "What was so interesting about Wiltshire?" She knew where he was, Cole told her.

"Did Cole you I was in Wiltshire?" he chuckled amusingly. Lily was something. The woman was kind and caring toward Zyler.

"Maybe," she acted coy this time, and Cole busted through the doors right on time.

"I was so scared, Lils. The staff informed me you weren't home. How many times do I have to tell you to text me before you leave?" He came in and hugged her, worry evident in his eyes. Zyler wondered if he would ever have someone to worry about him or if he would worry about someone as such. He cleared his throat to get their attention, feeling like an intruder in this moment of familial warmth.

Cole let Lily go and stepped back. "I am fine, Cole. I have to talk to Zy," she pushed from him and sat in the chair. Cole didn't. He stood in his spot. Zyler raised his brow, asking what it was.

She rubbed her hands excitedly and dramatically sighed, "I found a match for you," she squealed. Zyler chuckled, and Cole held his breath. Though he knew Zyler would never even raise his voice at Lily, he also was scared about his unpredictable nature, but to everyone's surprise, he didn't even show he was angry. His expressions were calm.

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