Chapter 69

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This chapter is very graphic, including the mutilation of body parts, and this is going to be a long chapter...........

Morning arrived, and Autumn's mind was still consumed by doubts about whether she could trust Zyler. She pushed her blanket aside and proceeded to freshen up. As she went about her morning routine, feeding Peaches, she overheard Zyler's voice as he walked by, engaged in a phone conversation. "I want a foolproof plan," she heard him say. Her focus was mainly on her pet, gently stroking Peaches's fur.

Then, out of the blue, Zyler whispered in her ear, "I wouldn't mind seeing you on your knees like this." Rolling her eyes at his remark, Autumn stood up.

"I want to be a little late to work today," she grabbed and poured some water into the bowl for her fur baby. Zyler raised his brow.

"I want to see Ro," she wiped her baby's mouth as Zyler watched with jealousy.

"Sure," Zyler shrugged, walking out. He called his security to drive her wherever she wanted. "Keep an eye on her. Never let her out of sight," he instructed. He would've gone with her, but he had to take care of Varney. He had his best security to watch over her. Even if Liam tried something, he would fail.

Autumn cradled her puppy in her arms. Zyler pulled her closer and kissed her lips. "Come back soon," he desperately pleaded, and Autumn nodded, closing her eyes. Zyler's heart broke into pieces as he watched her leave. He knew he said I love you to her. He also knew she ignored it royally. His heart was aching, but he pushed it to the side and redialed Cole.

Zyler's voice was calm and composed as he inquired, "When is his meeting?" His plan to leak the video of Varney attempting to sell secrets had applied significant pressure on Varney. The opposition relentlessly pursued Varney's downfall, while Varney was determined to execute damage control. In response, Varney had organized a crucial meeting with his supporters. That is where Zyler will end his life.

"A week from now," Cole knew. He had been gathering and working on it for a while.

"When is Lily's delivery?" Zyler could read people without them giving him any information.

"3 more months," Cole wanted to meet his baby desperately. But it looks like the baby doesn't want to leave the mother's womb.

"Once we finish this, you can take a break, Cole," Zyler wanted to be there for Lily and Cole, but this comes first. Cole nodded.

An hour had slipped away, and Autumn had returned, her eyes swollen and glistening with unshed tears. "Autumn," he softly called her as he stepped inside, concern etching his features.

Tears welled in her eyes as her gaze met his, but she remained silent, the turmoil within her heart too complex for words. With a gentle touch, he lifted her chin, and her eyes spoke volumes, revealing the depths of her inner conflict.

In an embrace that felt like a lifeline, he held her close, and she bit her trembling lip in a desperate attempt to contain the flood of emotions that threatened to consume her. Her heart was a stormy sea, its waves crashing against the barriers she tried to build.

She knew what he was, a murderer, and by all accounts, she should despise him. That should be the end of the story. But inexplicably, she couldn't. Hate and loathing warred within her, tangled in a web of emotions too intricate to unravel.

They lay entwined in each other's arms for an eternity, finding solace during their inner storms. "I want to give you something," he said softly, punching a lock. A subtle, mechanical whirring sound filled the room, breaking her out of her trance. A small hidden opening revealed itself in the middle of the carpeted floor.

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