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" — 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌! : 𝐝 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐧 𝐠 𝐞 𝐝
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟎𝟒 | 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 "

- Ashley Miller -

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- Ashley Miller -

I could feel Billy's stare burn holes through the back of my head but I tried to ignore it as much as I could. All that separated us was a glass window and a dark brown wooden door. A warm glass of tea was grasped in my hands as I took small sips from it. I was being interrogated for the second time this week and they were the same questions as last time. "Are you sure he's staying at the Hilton?" Dewey asked and I nodded. "I cant find him Ash apparently he checked in four days ago but checked out tonight." He informed and I let out a sigh. Taking another sip of the warm tea I folded my arms over my chest. "Their trying to trace back his calls." Dewey whispered to me and I nodded in response.

Glancing over my shoulder I saw Billy staring right back at me, but his eyes weren't filled with anger that I thought they would be. Instead they were filled with sadness and betrayal. Turning my head back around I heard Tatum's voice becoming louder from behind a set of double doors. Once they swung open I saw a very pissed of Tatum and Sidney, the two seemed to be bickering about something but when they saw me they fell silent. "Oh Ash." Tatum's sweet voice spoke as she walked towards me and sat on the couch next to me. Sidney followed and sat on the other side. "Your staying over mine tonight and for however long you want to, I've told my mom." Tatum informed and I nodded. Sidney opened her mouth to speak but before a word could escape her mouth a door swung open.

Billy was taken out of the room where he was being interrogated and now was being taken to where I assumed was a jail cell until he was proven innocent or guilty. His dark eyes locked with my lighter ones and the two of us exchanged quick glances before he was pushed through another set of doors and then was no where to be seen. "I'm so sorry Sidney." I spoke up as I glanced over at her, I felt guilty for getting her boyfriend in jail. "No it's okay we'll find out if he's the killer." Sidney stated as she played with the ends of her sleeves.


She doubted me.

But I chose not to say anything about it, Billy wasn't proven guilt or innocent yet but I still had a weird feeling about him. You could call it an intuition. "Come on let's go." Tatum stated as she held my hand and helped me stand up, Sidney getting up too. "Dewey we're leaving." Tatum informed and her older brother nodded his head, allowing the three of us to leave. As the three of us sat into Tatum red car we all fell silent, there was tension in the air but none of us brought it up and just drove to the blonde girls home in silence.

Once we got to the Riley's house we all got into Tatum's room at once and got changed into her pyjamas, fortunately we all wore the same sized clothes so it was a normal thing to occur when we shared our clothes about, the three of us sat on the makeshift beds. Taking my hair out it's pony tail I ran my fingers through it, allowing all the bumps to flatten down and so I didn't look like I was the girl from 'The Exorcist'. "Back off said Ashley." Tatum mimicked the encounter I had with Gale Weathers. "But no Ashley gets pulled out the car." The blonde girl stated, happiness in her voice. "If you don't take your hands off me in the next two seconds you won't have any hands said bad bitch Ashley." Tate mimicked once again. A smile rested on my lips as I watched her lay into her light blue coloured bed sheets.

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