15 | dont blame me

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i was in the library looking for a text book that i needed when i noticed arden at the desk. damn, i forgot she works in the library.

we made eye contact and i waved and grinned, not wanting to be rude. she waved for me to head her way so i did to see what she wanted.

"what's up?" i asked.

"can i ask you a favor?"

"you can but i might not do it," i chuckled.

"cmon," she chuckled. "it's for the school."

"what?" i squinted, suspicious.

"well as a member of the student council, i'm in charge of the new mural they want to put in the study hall," she started. "i know you're good at drawing and shit so i was wondering if you could design it."

"oh," i rose my eyebrows. "that's a big favor."

"i mean i just know how good you are at that kind of shit and i thought it'd be something you'd be interested in doing," she started. "but by all means, if you don't wanna then-"

"no no no," i cut her off. "i never said i didn't want too. it's a big favor but it's also a cool opportunity," i smiled. "i'd love to."

"great," she smiled. "maybe we could get together this friday to talk about ideas and visuals?"

"yeah that'd be cool," i nodded with a smile as i started to walk off. but then i turned around. "you know what else would be cool? if you could help me find this textbook."

arden laughed and got up from the front desk to help me. being around her today reminded me how cool she was when she wasn't been an annoying brat who won't stop trying to get back with me.


the weekend came and i was sketching out some ideas i had for the new mural being put into the school.

then billie facetimed me.

"hey," i smiled.

"hey," she grinned. "you didn't text me back. you good?"

"yeah," i nodded. "i've just been drawing ideas for the mural i told you about."

"oh yeah," she smiled.

i then looked at my messages to see what she last sent me. she was asking if i was up for staying with her this weekend.

"hmm i don't know," i joked.

she chuckled. "please?" she played along. "i wanna take you on a date."

"a date?" i rose my eyebrows.

"only if you agree to it," she nervously chuckled.

"uh um ye- yeah," i blinked. "of course i am."

"okay," she blushed as she looked down. "tonight cool? i can you get around 6ish."

"tonight's great," i smiled.

"k see you tonight," she smirked. "and dress nice."

we got off the phone and i put my head down.

"great something else for me to stress about," i said to myself.

i began panicking through my closet, looking for a cute dress to wear tonight.

"your room looks like a damn war zone," lou said as she walked in, referring to all the clothes i've thrown on the floor.

"not now louanne," i rolled my eyes.

"what's going on?" she laughed.

"i don't know what to wear tonight," i complained. "billie's taking me on a date and she hasn't taken me out in so long so it just makes me nervous."

more than a fan | billie eilish Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora