Author's Note

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This is a rewrite of my story by the same name and once I have all the chapters written and an ending in mind, I'll start publishing parts. Until then readers I hope you enjoy my other stories and happy reading.

Also, some of the chapters will be the exact same but the majority of it will be different just the beginning chapters will be the same. Chapters prologue - 4 will be the same while the rest from then on will be different. 

Except in this the chapters that are the same are Prologue - 5 because instead of the first chapter just being a prologue, I actually put like this (Chapter 1: Prologue) SO the order is slightly different. 

The later chapters might be the same if I think it's better that way and unless I need to make it new, I'm probably going to leave it alone and only when I have too will I make a chapter new.

New Ally Old EnemyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang