Chapter 6: Full Moon

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It's the full moon tonight and I'm really nervous. I can't get comfortable at all, so I keep moving to different positions to try and get comfortable, but nothing works and ultimately, I decide to get up and splash some water on my face to maybe try and help me to calm down a bit to hopefully sleep.

I enter our bathroom and I suddenly feel this pain shoot every part of me I make it to the bathroom while I hang over holding my stomach as another sudden pain shoots again. I hold myself up using the sink and I bring myself up to the mirror, but I get startled as I see glowing golden eyes staring back at me.

I slowly get up but as I reach my hand to grab the side of the sink my eyes widen as I see that my nails are no longer short but have become more like claws and I flip my hands over thinking its fake somehow, but I know that's not true. I hear "Hey Stuart are you okay buddy" I realize it's Stiles and I start to freak a little, but I breathe some before going to open the door but just a crack.

He tries to look at me, but I remain hidden mostly by the door and he asks repeating, "Stuart are you okay buddy" He comes a bit closer, and I clench my teeth . . . Fangs together worried that I might hurt him as he says "Hey it's okay, you're okay. I texted Scott he's on his way. If you want, I could go back to my bed and sit down, but you have to keep that door open, deal."

I hesitantly look up at my brother and nod not sure if I can even speak. He nods back and goes to his bed like he said, and I open the door more and lean on the door frame crossing my arms careful of my claws as to not cut myself accidentally.

I suddenly get a whiff of some kind of smell, but my brain took over my body and I growl as the smell tells me danger, intruder and protect. I see as the door is opened and I immediately get ready for an attack, but I realize it's just Scott saying to myself to convince myself that everything is fine "It's okay it's just Scott. Scott's a friend and isn't a threat."

I'm taking deep breathes and I finally relax before finally opening my eyes. I look to Scott and immediately back down feeling embarrassed that I acted like that. I decide to apologize "Sorry." Scott shakes his head and says "It's fine. I was half expecting you to attack me." I stand up straight and smile as I look at my hands again seeing the claws still there, I ask, "How do you do it?"

Scott answers "We'll work on it tomorrow. For now, try to get some rest." I nod and Scott turns to Stiles and says "I think you got this. See you guys at school and Stuart after school I'll come by to help you learn."

He turns leaving and I say while looking at my clawed hands "This is so weird." I stop looking at my hands and decide to go to sleep. I go to my bed and say "Night Stiles." He says after me "Sleep tight Stuart." I look at my clawed hands one last time before getting comfortable before falling asleep.

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