Chapter 10: Tomorrow

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We just get home and I go straight to our room. I flop onto my bed as I just stare at the ceiling. Stiles' voice chimes in "Are you okay Stuart?" I answer sitting up "Yeah just thinking."

Stiles looks at me like he doesn't believe me and comes over sitting beside me. He looks at me and says, "Everything will work out."

I look at him and nod thinking that maybe Stiles is right. Everything will work out and everything will be fine. Just gotta think positive. I take a breath in and out relaxing a bit more.

He smiles at me, and I smile back, I say "I'm actually kind of tired so I'm going to go ahead and rest." Stiles responds getting up "Alright. I'm going to go to sleep soon too. Goodnight, Stuart." I smile and tell him "Goodnight Stiles."

He leaves the room and I grab my pj's before going into the bathroom taking a short shower then getting dressed, I leave the bathroom. Igo straight to my bed getting under the covers going right to sleep thinking Tomorrow will be better.



I wake up to the sound of Stiles' voice talking, saying "Come on let me in." I'm confused at that and wonder why he would need to let himself in but then I realize he's referring to our room and then I think that makes no since but whatever.

I decide to sit up and ask Stiles "Hey Stiles are you okay?" He turns to face me and answers "Yeah I'm fine just . . . Uh . . . Getting ready for school." I nod and toss my sheet off of me getting up.

I walk to my closet, and I pick out an outfit going to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I get dressed and I leave the bathroom to find Stiles already gone.

I leave our room going out into the hallway walking down the stairs to the front door and I walk down the driveway to the jeep. I hop in and buckle up waiting as Stiles puts the jeep in reverse exiting the driveway, making his way down the road and to the school.

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