Chapter 12: Who are you?

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I'm lying on the couch about to go to sleep when "Stuart." I sit up looking over the couch seeing Stiles and I ask, "What is it?" Stiles just says simply "Come with me." Then he just turns going out the door and I just sigh going after my brother.

He's waiting in the jeep, so I close the door behind me and go into the jeep's passenger side waiting for him to start it. He start's it and we leave the McCall house and go back home.

I'm so confused as I ask Stiles "What's going on? Your being so weird today . . . Well . . . Weirder than normal." He doesn't answer and just gets out going into the house. I sigh again getting annoyed and follow after him.

Once in the house he turns to me as I close the door. I notice the lights are still off and no light is in the house almost as if it's nighttime. As he turned to face me, he has this wicked looking smirk on his face, kinda creeping me out.

Then in a blink of my eye he has a different outfit on and the masked warriors that match the picture that was posted at the sheriff's station appear. I ask a little scared and confused "Stiles, what's going on?"

His smirk goes wider, and he takes a step forward with his hands behind his back looking very menacing.

He starts to talk, and I notice his voice isn't the same it's darker and a bit deeper than usual "Well Stuart . . . If you don't know already which I know you don't. Is that I'm not Stiles. I'm a dark kitsune taking the form of your brother and you're going to help me."

I take a step back and tell the impostor taking the form of my brother "Why would I help something like you." His smirk is the widest I've ever seen yet, and he steps right up to me standing inches from my face answering "You'll help me if it means saving your brother . . . Right?"

I open my mouth to say something, but no words come out so I re-close my mouth then think answering back "I would, but what do you mean save him? What does he need saving from?"

His smirk doesn't falter at all as he tells me "From dying. If you help me, I'll help Stiles and make sure he lives. So, what will it be? Save your brother or let him die." I look down as I think about everything he's said, and I don't have anything telling me he's lying but I also don't have anything telling me he's telling me the truth.

But more than that why do I not trust him because he's not Stiles or is there something my instincts are telling me. He's just standing there waiting ever-so patient making me nervous and I decide to go with my gut and just help him but not at the same time.

I look up at the creature that looks like my brother and right as I'm about to answer the door is forced open. Scott comes through with Stiles close behind. Scotts wolfed up so I decide to do the same and this angers the kitsune, he yells "Attack!" The masked creatures come at us and Scott yells back "Run!"

I run to Stiles and grab him carrying him as I follow Scott. Stiles yells out "The jeep!" I tell him "The jeep will be fine!" I continue to run following Scott as my confusion and curiosity come through me as I think about what just occurred at the house wondering if I'll get an explanation.

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