We Lost Him

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The group of four friends chuckled at their own silliness as they made their way to the park. Matt and Edd opted for a longer route, eager to spend more time together since they haven't been this close in a while.

Edd playfully ruffled the hair of Tom, who promptly swatted Edd's hand away.

"Ey, ey, don't fuck up steve..." Tom said, fixing his hair.


"What? You don't name your hair?" Tom asked as if they were the strange ones. Pfft, weirdos.

"Ugh what's taking so longggg." Tom groaned. He just wanted this to be done and over with.

"Just a few more minutes. Plus, we could all use the workout." Edd replied, rather too cheerful.

"Where should we eat at? I think it's about time for a break, don't you think?" Matt said as he started to eye the close stores.

"Oh! We can go to that one restaurant! Me and Tord used to go all the time back in collage. Well, when I was in collage. Right Tord?"

There was silence aging the group.

Edd turned around. "Tord?"

He was gone.

"I knew we shouldn't have brought devil hair." Tom groaned.

Edd pulled out his phone and dialed Tords number.





"Pick up.."



Your call has—

Edd hung up before the woman on the phone could finish.

Matt raised his hand over his eyes. "Let's just go find him. We'll split up."

Tom raised his hood over his head, shielding himself from the bright sun. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, hesitating before reluctantly dialing Tord's phone number, knowing full well that he would likely go unanswered if he didn't answer Edd.

After a few seconds of waiting, his fears were confirmed, and he was greeted with nothing but silence. Tom let out a frustrated sigh, tucking his phone back into his pocket. He began to walk.

But, while walking, Tom took in the beautiful scenery of his surroundings. It's been a minute since he was out. But he heard loud blasting music. He turned his head to face the noise.

A strip club.


Are strip clubs even open this time of day? It's so early.

If there's a chance, Tords in there. He walked hopelessly to the club and flung open the doors.

Inside, it was dark, other than subtle pink and purple lights brightening it. And it was very loud. Tom couldn't even hear himself. You'd think it be night with how dark the windows were tinted.

Not even 5 seconds in, girls were already all over Tom. Toms eyes flashed white with discomfort. He tried to squeeze past them, but with no luck. The girls kissed him all over, as if he was a celebrity.

What the fuck is this place? Tom shoved pass them, lipstick all over his face. He tried to wipe it off with his sleeve, but it didn't come off.

"There always making new shit for makeup... why wont it come off." Tom groaned. He hated it here already.

He kept walking the crowded building. He always, always looked away when he saw a woman half naked. It was just awkward.

A hand grasped tightly on Tom's shoulder from behind. He quickly turned, praying that it wasn't another stripper. His 'eyes' locked onto someone else's. It was Tord. He looked, bothered?

"What are you doing here?" Tord asked as he crossed his arms. He didn't want Tom to ruin his fun.

"What are you doing here? We're supposed to be on a nice walk, not in a strip club." Tom said, raising his voice over the loud music.

"I got bored. This place is nice, right?" Tord grinned.

"No. Not nice at all." Tom hissed.

"Just relax, Joheva. Have a drink." Tord grinned evilly. He wrapped his arm around Tom, but nearly instantly Tom shoved him off.

"Get your filthy hands off of me—" Tom gritted between struggles. "I don't know where it's been, probably inside one of these helpless bimbos."

"Lower your voice, you don't wanna make a scene now..." Tord scolded.

"Oh, whatever Foreign. Can we please go back? Edd and Matt are looking for you."

Tord nearly wanted to bitch slap Tom for the nickname. But he couldn't argue with him, since he was 100% sure they were looking for him.

"Mkay, whatever." Tord led the way, with Tom following closely behind as he headed toward the exit.

As the opened the door, the blinding sun made their eyes squeeze with discomfort. And Tord finally got a good look at Tom.

"Quite the ladies man, huh?" Tord snickered.

"Wh—" at first Tom didn't get it, but then he remembered there was a bunch of kissed-on lipstick on him. His face flushed as he tried to wipe it off again.

"Let's just go, we don't want them to get worried right?" Tord said, still snickering.

They walked down the sidewalk in silence.

It was... awkward. To say the least.

Toms gaze was at the ground. He kicked some rocks here and there, while Tord tried to get sight of Edd and Matt.

Tord grinned and tapped Tom on the shoulder once he saw Edd waving at the two, screaming their names. "HEY GUYS!!" Was heard. People were obviously staring at Edd, Tord, and Tom. Tom relentlessly put his hood on, embarrassed of even knowing Edd.

"GUYS!!" Edd screamed again.

"Oh my gosh.." Tom mumbled.

Edd ran towards them, waving and screaming like an idiot.

"Guys! Could you not hear me?" Edd questioned once he reached them. "No, we couldn't." Tord replied sarcastically, crossing his arms over his chest and giggled.

"Why were you screaming, you could have just came to us to talk to us instead." Tom stated, embarrassed that this .... Dumb ass... was his friend.

"But it wouldnt seem as important!" Edds voice was loud and expressive, drawing more unwanted attention from people.

"Dude can you quiet down? People are staring..." Tom muttered, slightly pulling his hood more to his face.

"Why? You embarrassed?" Edd raised his voice even higher, he even started singing. All while this, Tord was giggling.

Tom pulled his hood down, trying to hide his face from the other boy's playful teasing. He felt his face grow warm as Edd poked him again, causing Tom to push his elbow into Edd's side.

"Cmonn, I'm kidding." Edd teased as he stuffed his hands in his pocket.

"Anyway, let's head back. No one wants Matt to be alone by himself for too long."

Tord and Tom giggled at Edds statement. It was true, Matt would probably try to convince the citizens he was a king or something, so he should get a free latte.

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