Just Get Along!

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Holy shit.

The thought seemed like it would never leave Tords mind. He could feel his heart pounding like a drum. He was questioning everything, he was worried of what would happen if anyone found out— if Tom found out.

Usually, people would be happy and giggling like a kid on Christmas when they have a crush, but not Tord. No. He felt dread wash over him. He felt guilty. He felt guilty because him and Tom have been rivals since the dawn of time, and now Tord likes him?

But mostly, he was frightened if Tom ever found out. What would happen to all of them? Would they find Tord gross? Weird? Disgusting? Would they ignore him? Or worse; kick him out?

Although the possibilities of Tord being kicked out for that reason we're slim, he couldn't let the rest find out. He didn't want to ruin what took so long to rebuild. He couldn't loose his friends— he couldn't loose Tom.

He slammed his fists on his desk. He was frustrated, confused, afraid.

Tord heard a sudden knock on the door, feeling a wave of concern wash over him at the abrupt noise.

Tord's heart began to race as he heard Tom's voice calling out from the other room, "Dinners ready!" All Tord had to do was pretend like everything is normal, that their just enemies, nothing more.

He couldn't let Tom find out.

"Coming, Jehova!" Tord called out, then snickered as he heard a groan of annoyance at his wonderful nickname.

Tord mentally prepared himself and took a deep breath. He stood off his chair and headed out the door.

There Edd and Matt sat, eating their food at the kitchen table.

Then there was Tom.

Tord swallowed, before heading into the kitchen and sitting his assigned seat.

Oh yeah— Edd assigned seats for all of them, hoping that it would cause slightly any less arguing. It didn't, but who really cares.

As Tord dug his fork into his freshly made dinner, he couldn't help but peer at Tom. Tom was eating how he normally would; shoving anything in his mouth with small chunks of food flying.

"You got a fucking staring problem?" Tom questioned, glaring his stone cold black voids at Tord.

Shit. He was caught. He had to think of an excuse, and quickly.

"You look like a raccoon when you eat." Tord snickered, looking back down at his food. He felt a wave a relief wash over him, thinking that it was a good enough reason.

"Oh, you—" As Tom was about to throw his glass plate at Tord, Edd put an arm in front of Toms chest.

"Do not fight at dinner." Edd warned the both of them. Matt giggled, he found it funny whenever Edd and to intervene an argument.

Tord put his hands up defensively, rolling his eyes then staring back at Tom, wearing a shit eating grin.

Tom huffed, gritting his teeth and clenching his fist. It took everything he had; but he let it go. He simply went back to eating his food, but it was clear he was still pissed off.

"What, got nothing to say?" Tord smirked, leaning closer against the table. He absolutely loved doing shit like this to Tom, crush or no crush. He's done this countless times, and it's never failed to entertain him

Tom could feel a tight tug in his chest. He was extremely pissed off. The more Tord continued to annoy him, the more Tom wanted to reck his shit.

"You better shut the fuck up before I—"

"Before you what?" Tords smirk continued to grow as he provoked Tom more and more, possibly on the brink of loosing it.

"That's enough guys.." Edd muttered, trying to enjoy his dinner.

Tom's eyes narrowed as he clenched his jaw in anger. Without warning, he launched his plate in Tord's direction. Tord barely had time to react, swiftly moving to the side to narrowly dodge the flying dish. With a loud, ringing sound, the plate shattered against the wall.

Edd smashed his hands on the tabled. "That's it, Im so Sick and tired of you two constantly arguing!" Edd shouted.

"Why can't we have dinner without one of you starting something?!" Edd's voice echoed, piercing their eardrums. It took a lot to get him to raise his voice. The three sat in silence, the tension growing more and more.

"Just—" Edd cut himself off. He pinched the bridge of his nose, then rubbing his temple. He took a long, deep breath. He had to calm himself down.

"You know what?" Edd muttered, nearly to himself as he stared blankly at the table. "You two are going to act like adults and figure out how to get along."

Usually, when Edd told them to get along it didn't really stick to them, it was just empty words. But right now, with Edds cold aura, they knew he was serious and willing to take.. dire measures.

Edd grabbed them by the sleeves of their hoodie, starting to drag them to the backyard.

"What? Hey—" Tom struggled, attempting to pull himself away but with no avail.

They reached their shed, and Edd forced the two of them in the cramped singular room. "There's air conditioning so you don't die of heatstroke." And with that, Edd slammed the door shut. Tom and Tord could hear some sort of rattling on the door knob. Did Edd lock the fucking door?

"This is just fucking great." Tom muttered angrily, flopping himself on the floor on one end of the shed.

Yeah, Tom was annoyed, but Tord was freaking out. He couldn't stay in this cramped shed for who knows how long with Tom! He sighed, sitting himself down on the other end of the shed.

It's not even practically a shed, it's like a supply closet. The two of them had to keep their knees close to their chest to prevent any sort of physical interaction.

Saying that the first few minutes in here were awkward is an understatement. Neither of them spoke, and neither of them looked at each other. Actually no. Tord looked at Tom a lot. A lot a lot.

Tord had to say something. He didn't care if it was good or bad, he had to strike a conversation.

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