Tomee Bear

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"Shut up."

Ah. It was one of those moments.

"C'monnn, Joheva, can't get a little riled up?" Tord teased, a cocky grin pulling at the ends of his mouth.

"Quit it with that stupid fucking excuse of a nickname." Tom muttered, pulling his hood over his head and leaning on the wall.

"Oh, well what about your nicknames for me? Commie, foreign, devil hair, commie basterd," Tord was naming all the nicknames Tom has given him over the years, his fingers numbering them.

"Fuck, I get it." Tom groaned. He threw his head back and let it rest on the wall. He ran his fingers through his spiked up hair, already glaring daggers at Tord.

"Awh, why the long face?" Tord smirked as he made a gesture, using his index finger to mimic a tear drop run down his cheek. Tom huffed and turned his daggers elsewhere.

Tord was disappointed in that reaction, he expected Tom to at least insult him again. He rolled his eyes, and started to gaze around the cramped room. Who knows how long they could be in there, might as well find something to entertain them. But then, he caught a glimpse of a... raggedy doll? It was actually right next to Tord, he didn't know how he didn't notice it sooner.

Tord picked it up and got a better look, seeing that it was actually a strange looking stuffed bear. It was a dark honey brown and a line across its face, small spikes poking out of its head. Huh, it reminds him of someone.

Tom noticed Tord rummage around, and he saw Tord somehow get ahold of Tomee bear.

"Hey, give that here." Tom said, rather frantic as he attempted to get the bear out of Tords grasp. But Tord pulled away, and cooed.

"What, is This yours?" Tord teased as he waved it in Toms face, then pulling it away before he could snatch it.

"I said give it, commie." Tom warned, adjusted himself to the point he was on a knee balancing himself, practically ready to pounce Tord.

Tord hummed, putting one hand on his chin in a sarcastic manner, pretending to think.

At that moment, Tom hurled himself at Tord. Tord only found This amusing, launching his arm in the air, keeping the dirty teddy bear further from Toms reach.

Tom only crawled further on top of Tord, using his arms to snatch the bear. "I said fucking give it—"

And right before Tom's eyes, Tomee bear was gone. What? Where the Fuck did it go? A giant smirk grew on Tords Face as he saw the look of confusion written on Toms.

"Where the fuck is it, commie?" Tom hissed, grabbing Tord by the collar of his red hoodie and pulling him closer, glaring daggers as there faces were extremely close.

Like, extremely close. Nose almost touching kind of close. And not to mention their position. Tom was basically sitting on Tords stomach, practically pinning him down to the floor with his weight.

This wouldn't have bothered Tord at all before. Maybe he would have pushed him off, but right now— Tord couldn't do anything. His cocky face turned red, stammering as he spoke.

"Well? Where is it?" Tom asked more aggressively, raising his voice as he shook Tords collar.

Tord had to pull himself together, to keep his Im-better-than-you attitude going. He cleared his throat, forcing himself to smirk again.

"I hid it." Tord shrugged, throwing his hands in the air, in a more cocky manner than a I-give-up one.

"You little fucker." Tom swore under his breath as he pushed Tord away. He got up out of Tords lap, well— stomach; and began to search around the cramped shed.

Tord let out a sigh of relief as Tom crawled off him. He let his head rest on the wall as he watched Tom poorly look for the raggedy doll.

At one point, Tom started to sniff the air. His head shot to Tords direction where he was seated, catching Tord off guard.

"Is he behind you?" Tom asked, keeping his fixated gaze on Tord.

"He? So the doll is yours." Tord snickered as he crossed his arms.

"Is he behind you." Tom asked again, more sternly and more demanding.

"What, did you smell him with that oh-so great nose of yours?" Tord hit back Tom with another question, trying to avoid Toms.

"Yeah I did actually. You better give me him." Tom warned, starting to step closer to Tord now.

"Okay okay, jeez calm down "great hound." Tord rolled his eyes as he grabbed Tomee bear from behind him, tossing it to Tom and Tom successfully catching it.

And then a smile formed on Tom's face. A smile Tord could look at for hours. Tord couldn't even deny it anymore, he loved Tom's smile.

It even set a soft smile on Tords lips. A small pink tint spreading across his cheeks as he watched Tom sit back down to the other end of the shed, but he looked more relaxed and comfortable.

He watched Tom set the teddy bear on his lap. "How long have you had that?" Tord asked, an actual sincere question rather than a snarky one.

Tom looked away from Tomee bear and back at Tord. "Pretty much my whole life since kindergarten." The question made Tom feel flushed, he couldn't hold back a small pink tint appearing on his face. Oh my god, Tord could just hold Toms face and say he had the whole world in his hands.

"Awh, are you blushing?~" Tord just had to do that. He always had to point out the subtle obvious things.

Tom used the collar of his hoodie to hide most of his face, it only getting more red. "Fuck no." Tom tried to sound intimidating, but it extremely backfired.

"Okay, whatever you say, Jehova."

"Yeah, fuck you, commie."

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