Stares and Talks

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It took a while for the group to reunite, each of the three friends giving Tord a hard time for putting them in this situation in the first place. While they were glad to be back together again, they didn't hesitate to tease and make fun of Tord for going into a strip club of all places.

After they reunited, they all went to the restaurant that Edd and Matt had talked about.

As they went inside, already eyes were on them because of their "unusual" appearances. Well, mostly at Tord and Tom.

Tord couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Anyone would. If people were staring at you because of your mechanical arm and burnt scars, you'd feel pretty unwelcomed.

Tom, however, showed no emotion towards the staring. He's been stared at all his life due to his voids of eyes, so he picked up the habit of just ignoring it.

As they were seated, even their waiter stared at them for an uncomfortable amount of time. Sometimes, when she was taking orders, she would stop just to really stare at Tom and Tord. Tord was really, really annoyed about it; but Tom pretended she wasn't staring, and asked for his food.

After an unnecessary amount of time, the waiter finally finishes up and brings their order to the back.

The atmosphere in the room was tense, with Tord clearly distraught over the unprofessional and inappropriate behavior of some individuals present. Every so often, a faint whisper could be heard, with phrases like "his arm..." and, "his eyes..." catching the attention of those in the vicinity.

"That waiter is definitely not getting a tip." Matt chirped, attempting to kill the awkward silence that lingered in the air. Edd simply agreed.

"I don't see what the big deal is. They just can't handle the fact that someone has super sick scars—" Edd said, pointing his fork at Tord who sat across the table.

"—and someone with super sick eyes." He. Stated, pointing his fork at Tom now who sat next to him.

The three couldn't help but let out soft giggles and smiles at Edds enthusiasm. He's always been like that— caring and compassionate, always there for his pals. Tord definitely felt better now, he was glad that Edd was here.

Finally, their food arrived. Tom immediately started to tear it up. He didn't care if even more people were looking at him. Let them be weird creeps who watch people eat, whatever. Tom shoved the food left and right into his mouth, some chunks flying across the table.

Everyone at the table, including bystanders, were watching Tom eat like a gorilla— while the other three had some manners and used their utensils.

Tord hadn't realized this earlier, but he noticed that Tom had subtle, small fangs. His canines were more defined and sharper as well, probably a great reason why Tom is such an ugly eater; he eats like a damn dog.

Finally, they were done eating. They all exited the restaurant and paid no tip to the waitress; she shouldn't have stared for a total of 10 minutes.

But as they were walking, a stray, dirty white dog pounces on Tom. At first, Tom is in utter shock, attempting to fight whatever just threw itself at him. But he quickly saw that poor dog, and awed. He bent down and started to pet it, a huge grin on his face as the dog licked him.

Everyone was just shocked really. A random dog comes in and jumps on Tom, and the dog is actually a sweet heart. All of this happening in less than 5 seconds.

The mere sight of Tom actually smiling like a goof; couldn't help but bring a softer, thinner smile to Tords face. He hadn't seen Tom happy ever since he came along. Well— who could really blame the guy?

Tom looked at the 3 who hovered over him with desperate and pleading eyes.

"Can we take it home?" Tom said, still petting and playing with the dog. Edd immediately shook his head no.

"Absolutely not. It's filthy! It'll dirty up the whole house. And plus, we have Ringo! She'll get scared."

"C'mon... look how cute she is!" Tom exclaimed as the two both desperately looked at Edd. They had a strange similarity... idiotic.

"I say we should at least take care of it until it finds a home." Tord butted, and Matt quickly agreeing.

Edds eye twitched, but he quickly regained self control. "Fine. But your cleaning her mess." Edd rolled his eyes and groaned.

Toms whole face lit up like a light. He gave Edd a quick tight hug, before quickly releasing and going back to the dog.

Edd was pretty shocked that Tom actually hugged him. He doesn't remember the last time he did. "I—" was all he could mutter.

Tom was prancing every step he took. He had this huge smile on his face the entire walk back home. This brought a smile to Tords Face without even realizing it. But you know who did notice it? Edd.

Edd nudged Tord as Matt started to walk to Tom and his dog. Edd turned to Tord, a soft, faint smile still on his face.

"What's with you?" Edd asked, smirking but careful enough to keep his voice down.

"Huh— what?" Tord mumbled, confused and his smile fading.

"You were smiling." Edd stated, crossing his arms and cocking an eyebrow.

Tord looked at Edd with more confusion, then a small pink tint started to form on his face. "No I wasn't." He chuckled.

"And Now your blushing." Edd remarked, almost astonished at Tords behavior.

"I think you need to see the eye doctor, your starting to see things." Tord replied, almost smirking as he tried to play it off. But was he smiling? He didn't even realize until Edd had pointed it out.

Edd eventually sighed and dropped the topic. The two "mature" friends watched the other two, Matt occasionally petting the dirty dog then wiping the dirt off of him. Then petting the dog again, and repeating the cycle.

"I haven't seen Tom happy in a while." Edd muttered, a little to himself. Tord turned his gaze to face Edd, feeling the warmness he felt moments ago replaced by guilt.

"I've probably never seen him happy. Maybe has to due with the fact that every time I'm around, he's so grumpy." Tord chuckled, trying to get rid of the guilt pent up in his stomach.

"That's not true.." Edd mumbled, but he obviously knew that was a lie.

"No, it really is true. C'mon, did you see how he acted the first days I moved in? He practically never left his room, and when he wasn't in his room, we would always argue." Tord remarked, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Edd turned his gaze away from Tord and at Tom instead. "Well... you two haven't really fought in a while, right?"

"We haven't really gotten along in a while either." Tord started to kick rocks that stumbled on the concrete floor.

"Well, you two haven't even bickered that much this entire trip!" Edd said, trying to find a light.

"Psh, no. You should have seen how pissed off he was when he found me in the strip club." Tord chuckled, remembering the look on Tom's face.

"Well if I didn't see it, then it doesn't count." Edd chuckled with Tord, beginning to hold his hoodie strings.

"Oh! So if me and Tom got into a huge fight at home when you were out, the couch is flipped over... the windows are broken... you know, basically everything is destroyed, it wouldn't matter right? Because you didn't see?" Tord said, smirking as he tried to find a loophole.

"Now your just getting off track.." Edd muttered, jokingly shoving Tord with his elbow.

Tord and Edd giggled with each other. It felt like old times. When they all got along. Well, other than Tom and Tord.

But even back then, they had their moments when they weren't enemies, and rather pals.

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