Smiles to See

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The quarter she lies everyday
While looking through the window pane
Without a do or say
She sighs in bore and pain

The faces she passed by
A mem'ry of vigor and delight
Some did her a yearnful cry
To return when days were full of light

A glimpse of hope, her heart did leap
The agony is now writhed to bliss
The smile outside she longed to keep
A soul to see, she found anew

The stream of hope flooded her eyes
Like the rising tide of ocean blue
Filling the empty with something new
-Found again but what's never gone

The smile that pleased her so,
And face that brought her solace,
Those that bid her well,
Wished her off to better dwell

Persistence stilled, to thrive be gotten
A sailor is she in the midst of surges
A wave of smiles be ne'er forgotten
And gloom be prevailed whenever it urges

2020: The battle that you went through for us will live on beyond our history. Thank you mom.

A Poet's DiaryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora