Surging Agony

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You were the reason
For all those sleepless nights;
Yet I held on, had ought to fight
When my phone would be the only light

If my thoughts of you were droplets
Beloved, it'd be a raging ocean
I'd go back to how we began
And grasp trust before it ran

You were my beacon
The beam that guided me haven
The best one that's ever gotten
Now with explanations left rotten

If I would have asked
Would honesty be the answer?
Will you come clean and not falter
And tell me who you've been after

You were the first to my all
Beloved, you destroyed my peace
Like the pouring rain that must cease
As water flows through my heart's crease

If my questions bother you
Do answer before you row off
A little wild, a little rough
Turn your back, I'll act all tough

As I wait for the stream to end
It'd kill to not hear you say
That you never noticed my disarray
And not think of me an hour a day

You were my solace
The voice that called amidst the storm
Oh pride and dishonesty now being worn
Has left me stranded, wounded, and torn

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