Dreams and Nightmares

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Mia couldn't remember getting to the cafe for lunch. She had no idea what she ordered and absolutely no clue how she ate it.  All she was aware of was walking, breathing, and being in completely in love with Tom. 

Like a smitten teenager, she could only smile and stare at the world around her.  She came back to earth with a bump when they were getting ready to go home.  She became aware that Tom had asked her a question.  A question, the answer to which made her suddenly realise this dream was a reality.

"Do you want to have dinner tonight? Well, I know you'll have dinner, that's a silly question" he smirked "but what I mean is I'm meeting some friends and it would be nice not to be the singleton for a change.  And since I am no longer single...." he smiled at her. "...am I?"

Her mouth fell open in a very unladylike way, and she gasped a little. What they had, this, this fledgling kiss-in-the-park type thing, was it really that serious? Was he really saying that? Already? A quiet romance, a secret romance, was one thing.  Being out and about in public with Tom, as a couple?  That was a whole new - and scary - prospect. For a second, and only for a second, she hesitated.  Was she - were they - ready for this? Sod it, she thought, life was as she well knew, too short for regrets. If he was ready, then so was she.

"No, WE'RE not." she laughed as he grabbed her hand, squeezing it happily. "I'd love that Tom, I really would.  Only if you're sure, though. I mean, what if someone sees us?" she smiled shyly at him, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of pride and excitement.

"That darling," he kissed her cheek, "is the whole point. I want people to see you - us - and be jealous.  I want them to look at me and think how the hell did he manage to get someone like her.  He's definitely punching well above his weight there." he looked at her softly "because I am sweetheart, believe me, I am."

"Oh, you smooth talker, you!" she giggled and nudged him in the ribs. "Come on, let's have coffee at home, I'm sure Bobby needs to be let out by now." Tom nodded and took her hand in his. "Right, home, Bobby, coffee and then some tv, I think, yes? And by the way, you'll probably know all my friends so you've no need to feel shy."

Now, she was both confused and intrigued. It wouldn't be long before she was less amazed and more stunned.

Bobby had let her - well actually demanded - take him out for a quick toilet walk.  Tom was amused when his previously loyal and adoring pet ignored him completely and sat at Mia's feet on their return.  Mia laughed and bent down, instantly gaining a lick and a nuzzle from her new friend.

"Here, pop him on this," he handed her a waist lead, "and just walk to the park gates and back. He'll be fine with that for now.  We can take him a proper walk tonight if you like.  I'll have the coffee ready for when you get home." Tom kissed her softly."Don't be too long darling, I need a snuggle." 

She smiled, anyone else smothering her like that would have set her teeth on edge.  She was a grown woman. But Tom saying it?  That was a different story entirely. That made her feel the most cherished and special and wanted she had ever felt.  Ever.  Add that to the fact Bobby had instantly wanted to be with her too?  Well, life just didn't get much better did it?

A quick fifteen minutes later, and she was on her way back.  As she approached their building, she became aware of a police car sitting outside their block.  Two uniformed officers were standing at the entrance buzzer, obviously waiting for someone to answer.

"Can I help you officers?" she said, climbing the small flight of steps, Bobby immediately sitting patiently at her feet. They turned and nodded.

"You live here, Miss?" The older of the two, a Sergeant by his stripes, asked her warily.

"Yes, 2A - I'm Mia, Mia Watson. Do you want to come in? My.. my boyfriend lives across the hall. I need to return his dog." The fact she'd called him her boyfriend wasn't what made her feel odd, it was the look that passed between the policemen that did that.

They nodded, "yes miss we need to talk to everyone in the building. Better to get both of you at once."

"Tom? Tom, the Police are here to talk to us." She walked into his hallway, releasing Bobby as she did so.  He scampered away, and Tom appeared out of the kitchen, two mugs in hand.

"Oh! What have you been up to, Mia? Did you break your restraining order again?" He winked at the officers who, to their credit, just laughed as they realised who the 'boyfriend' in question was.

"No, she's got away with it this time, Mr Hiddleston," the Sergeant smiled and shook his head. "I'm afraid we'll have to try and get her another day! We're here on rather less pleasant business, I'm afraid."

"Do come in and sit down. Please have these. I'll make some more for us."  He handed the mugs over and within a minute or two had ones for himself and Mia.

"So. Miss Watson , Mr Hiddleston, we have to inform you that a housebreaking kit was confiscated from an individual arrested in the alley behind your block last night. We just wanted to check if anyone had seen anything suspicious recently? Anyone hanging around? "

Tom shook his head. "Nothing that I can think of?" He turned to Mia."What about you, love?"

"No, me neither, but then I've been distracted unpacking, so maybe I wouldn't have noticed?"

"Well, thanks anyway.  Please be careful. Make sure you pay attention to your home security, ok? We'll keep an eye for a while just in case. Thanks for the coffee, Mr Hiddleston, we better get around the rest of the neighbours. If you have any concerns, just get in touch.  Remember , we're always at the end of 999 if you feel in any danger at any time."

With that, they left, leaving a concerned couple and a distinctly chilly atmosphere. The building being targeted wasn't something either of them had considered. They had a secure entry system. They'd taken for granted it was enough.

By the time the police left, they realised it was almost time to leave for dinner. Mia dashed back to her own flat and quickly changed.

White shirt, black trousers and her favourite heeled boots, would do, she thought as she dragged a brush through her hair and applied some makeup. Tom had assured her it was a relaxed dinner, but she still wanted to look more than just dragged together. She didn't want to let him down.

Tom quickly called an Uber as he waited for Mia to come back.  He couldn't wait to take her to dinner. His friends were only in town for a couple of days so this was his chance to show her off. He wanted the world to see her as he did. Beautiful, funny, kind and loving. He thought, no, he knew, she was perfect. Perfect for Bobby, perfect for him. He also knew this was all going at breakneck speed and he risked scaring her half to death.

"Take a breath Tom," he said looking in the mirror. "You've only kissed her once." He knew though, as he heard her softly knock at the door, one kiss had been enough to know. Now to convince her too.

As he escorted her to the taxi, he looked down at her and smiled softly."you ok darling?" He asked, slipping an arm around her. She nodded, looking nervous.

"What if your friends dont like me? I'm not part of your showbiz world." She said quietly, looking for reassurance.

"Oh Mia, they're going to love you. Almost as much as I do, darling." He kissed the top of her head and hugged her then helped her into the taxi.  They sat in silence once Tom had given the address of the Restaurant.  Mia just revelled in his closeness, snuggling into him and breathing in his aftershave, all citrus spice and reassuring closeness.

They arrived at a small Italian in Soho and Tom opened the door with a smile.  He turned and held out his hand

"Come on, Littlest Avenger," he winked. "Time to meet the team."

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