Ciao Roma

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"Oh Mia, you're priceless darling!" Tom spluttered and almost choked on his pasta.  They'd arrived in Rome at about 7 and decided to go out, in true Italian style, for a little late night dinner.  Tomorrow would be full on so they wanted a little down time, just the two of them,  before the madness began.

"I don't know WHAT you mean!" she pretended to be offended but was actually laughing almost as much as he was.  "Just because I got the name mixed up.  Anyone could have made the same mistake."  she shrugged.

Tom smiled and swallowed the last of his meal.  Raising his glass to his lips, drained the last of the beer and sat back contentedly.  Looking at her, across the table, he couldn't remember being as happy as this, ever.  Mia was, he knew, the love of his life.  Her smile, her laugh, her humour and her beauty were everything and more to him.  It was cheesy and it was the old trope, two lovers in the Eternal City, but could he do it here?  Could he declare to her that he never wanted to be apart from her for the rest of his life?  Yes, he thought, yes he could. Now. This very second.

"Mia?" he reached across the table and grabbed her hand, "there's something I need to say to you love." 

Mia looked up from the last of her pizza and Tom grabbed her hand. The look in his eyes told her this was something important. Whatever it was, he'd obviously decided it couldn't wait a moment longer, the tone of his voice having a recognisably urgent edge to it. She was almost sure his hand was shaking.

"Yes love? What is it?" she smiled at him and he took a breath. 

Tom felt his insides do somersaults.  Suddenly his confidence legged it out the door. What if she said no?  What if he'd read it all wrong.... he swallowed and took a breath.

"Mia, darling, I - you know I love you , more than anything or anyone in the world." he paused, wanting to get this perfect moment perfectly right.  He should just have blurted it out.

His phone rang, then Mia's phone rang at almost the same time.  They groaned in unison, the moment spoiled by the intrusion.  Tom closed his eyes for a second and cursed, Mia pulled her hand back,

"Seems we're destined to be in demand!" she smiled "We can pick this up later love, I promise."

They lifted their phones, Tom saw his was from Luke, presently sitting in the hotel making final arrangements for tomorrow - or so he thought.  Mia on the other hand, was being contacted by an unknown London number.  Shrugging, she answered.


"Miss Watson? This is Detective Inspector Evans, sorry to disturb you at this time on a Friday evening, but we wanted to let you know, we apprehended your attacker at 3pm today.  He's in custody but we will need you to formally identify him.  He's not admitting anything, but his DNA is a match.  We got a tip off from another woman who was approached by him - she wasn't attacked, but he said some pretty incriminating things.  She put two and two together and called us.  Normally we would contact you once we have the case nailed down, but given your circumstances, we wanted to let you know as soon as possible. We'll also need you to formally identify him but that can wait till you're available.  Maybe Monday?" he tried to sound routine and reassuring, but all she could think of was that she would have to face him again.  Identify him.

"Y-yes DI Evans." she said in a small voice "I will.  I'm away for the weekend, but will be back Monday.  I'll call you Monday morning to arrange to come in.  Thanks. Goodnight," she hung up and placed the phone down then, placing her napkin on the chair as she stood, said "Excuse me love.  Need to go throw up." she stood gripping the table, and walked off to the ladies, leaving a panicking Tom at the table.

"Ok, thanks for the warning man but I think it's come five minutes to late.  Yeah, they've just finished speaking to her.  No, it's ok, you did everything you could.  I - I need to go, don't think she's taken it well, no you're right.  I would be the same.  Speak later man, thanks bye"  Tom hung up as he watched her stand, a little unsteadily, to walk away.  His heart was racing, but now for all the wrong reasons.

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