The Revengers

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"Come on darling, you're staying with me. No arguments." Tom opened his door and gently guided the shellshocked figure of his broken girlfriend into his hallway. 

They'd been at the Police station for almost four hours all told, and it was getting light by the time they got home. They'd both given statements, Mia had been examined and poked and prodded - albeit with the greatest care and respect - and now she just wanted a bath and a sleep.

"Can - can we get me some clothes?" She asked quietly. "Together?"

"Of course, love, but do you feel strong enough yet to go in there?" He sat her down in the kitchen while he made some tea. "I could go for you, just tell me what to get?"

"Would you?" She said, looking at him, almost in tears again. He held her hand gently and nodded.

"For you, anything darling." He kissed her cheek. "Now let's get you into that bath." He pulled her up to stand with him and he scooped her up into his arms. She snuggled into his chest and buried her face in his neck. To her shame and annoyance, she started to cry again. She just couldn't stop.

"Oh love!" Tom sat on the bed, still holding her. He gently sat her on his lap and held her as she cried uncontrollably. "That's it, you let it out love. Let it all out." He stroked her back as she sobbed.

"I-I dont w-want to b-be like this. I w-want things to b-be like they w-were. It's not f-fair." She took gasping breaths as she tried to put into words how she felt. Angry, upset, ashamed, and above all, scared. So very scared.

"I know, darling, it's so unfair. You can stay with me for as long as you need to. It's ok, I understand completely." He brushed her hair off her face and smiled at her softly. "Let me take care of you, Mia, please?"

She nodded. "I think I should have that bath now? I feel icky." A sense of calm had come over her. Tom promising to look after her made her realise just what she had been missing all this time. Someone to just care for her. Care about her.  Maybe even, one day, love her again.

Tom smiled gently, even now she could make him smile. "Icky?" He raised an eyebrow and even she smiled now.

"Yes, you know.. ICKY" she shrugged and he kissed her cheek.

"You get undressed and I'll run your bath, theres a nice fluffy robe hanging behind the door. Just you help yourself darling." He stood and placed her on her feet. "Whats your preference? Shay and Blue Blood Oranges or Black Tulip?" He knew she had a liking for the same brand as him.

"You use Black Tulip?" She frowned, and he shook his head.

"Not me, my sister. She left it here."

"Ohhhhh yeah, ok...." she smiled and winked. If she hadn't felt so 'icky' there might have been some mileage in it. There would be, later.

Ten minutes later she slipped into the warm fragrant water and lay back.  Tom sat behind her and washed her hair as she closed her eyes.  He was careful to avoid her wounded eye and gently massaged her scalp.  The warmth and the feeling of his fingers relaxed her at last.

"Now, if you think you'll be ok, I'll pop over and get you some clothes love. You want jeans and a tshirt? Trainers or boots? "

"Neither. Not going anywhere," she said softly.

"Oh yes you are my darling girl.  You have a date with the Avengers. They, above all others, will keep you safe."

"Oh Tom, I don't know. It's just... I'm so.." she turned in the bath and looked up at him, standing smiling as he leaned against the doorway. "You know something?" She stood up in the tub and he took a step forward, helping her out. "You're abso-bloody-lutely right. I AM going tonight. And what's more? I'm coming with you to get my clothes. That BASTARD " she spat the word and shocked them both a little "is not going to ruin my life. Our life." She grabbed a towel and Tom's robe. 

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