Dark Shadows..

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They got home around midnight, Tom and Mia standing like two teenagers outside her door, kissing in the semi-dark.  She giggled and looked up at him. "Do you think we'll ever be grown-ups?" she asked him with a smile.

"Oh God darling, I hope not! I intend to go on acting like this as long as I can get away with it.  When I eventually reach those Pearly Gates, I won't be crawling in with carpet slippers and a Zimmer frame, I'll be screeching in sideways at 150 miles an hour, my pants on fire and a drink in my hand!" he laughed." Just as long as your hand is in the other!" he winked and kissed her again.  "Time to go, love.  I have work to do in the morning, so you enjoy your lie in.  I'll pop over at lunchtime, and we can see where we both are from there, ok?" 

"That. Would," she said, punctuating with kisses. "Be. Lovely. See you tomorrow." she opened her door, and she eventually let his hand go, their fingers trailing.  With a blush, she whispered "G'nite" and closed it behind her.  One night, she knew she wouldn't let that hand go.  One night, he would be on this side of the door as it closed.  Tonight was not, however, that night. 

She knew this was far more than a passing fancy, but she was still afraid.  She'd not had any kind of physical relationship with anyone other than Craig, and now even that had been a long time ago.  She just wasn't ready for the overwhelming depth of feelings she knew that it would launch for her. It would have to mean something.  Not that she thought Tom was just after some sort of quick fling, but she was an all or nothing kind of girl now.  Life could be cruel and twisted, destroying you in a second. She'd learned the hard way and she wanted it to be special, to be the last time she ever made herself this vulnerable. She smiled to herself and went through to the bedroom.  She had a feeling, more than a feeling, he understood.  It was almost like starting from scratch for her now. But start again she would, and in the not too distant future.

As she passed the kitchen, still in darkness, she noticed the window open a couple of inches.  She was sure she'd closed it, but maybe she just hadn't latched it properly. Cursing her own carelessness, she made a mental note to be more attentive.  After the Police visit, she was very aware they were in someone's crosshairs now.  She walked in and, without putting a light on, closed it then went to bed.

Tom walked back to his flat, glancing back over his shoulder at Mia's door every now and again.  Silly really, he knew that it wasn't suddenly going to fly open and she'd drag him inside. He knew she wanted to take things slowly.  He'd pushed things as much as he dared, and she'd not run. He'd be forever grateful for that and now? Well, now it was up to her to let him know when she was ready. He would wait. More than a tad desperately, he ruefully had to admit to himself, but she was worth waiting for.

With a smile and a shake of the head, he opened his door and went in.  As Bobby trotted to meet him, he bent down and cuddled the little dog.  He was rewarded with a slobbery kiss, making his wince and laugh at the same time.

"Time for bed Bobs." Bobby looked round, as if something was missing. His new BFF.
"What is it?" He ruffled his hair and Bobby yipped. "Yeah" Tom laughed "one day Bobs, one day!"  They walked through to the bedroom and within minutes of putting out the light, both were sleeping.  Bobby in his basket, dreaming of squirrels and runs in the park. His Dad? Well he had a gentle smile on his face that pretty much said it all.  As Scarlett had pointed out, he was indeed "a gonner."

Tom woke some time in the early hours with a start and Bobby sat up in his basket.  "Bobs? You there? What was that!" They sat still for a moment and then he heard it again. His groggy mind made sense of the disturbance. A quiet but urgent knock at the front door.

Rubbing his eyes, he looked at the time.  It was still dark, very dark, like middle of the night dark.  Grabbing his phone he winced as the glowing screen said 2.45am. He dropped it back onto the table and yawned. Pulling back the quilt, he shoved on a t-shirt with the pyjama bottoms he slept in and padded to the door, Bobby a couple of paces behind him.

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