The Calm Before...

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"Thanks Luke, yes, I'll tell her. Yes, I think she will. Just pencil it in, and I'll get back to you. I'm..." he paused and swallowed a laugh." I'm a little busy right now. Bye!"

Tom put the phone down and turned to Mia, "Now, where were we exactly?"

"About three inches down and one to the right love," she whispered with a snigger. She moved on the bed till she was hard up against his back. She wrapped her arms around him, fingers caressing his chest. With a groan, he reached around, grabbing her tightly and twisting, so he ended up on top of her.

"You keep that up, miss, and I won't be responsible for my actions. And you won't get that picture hung!" He kissed her slowly, then lying next to her, ran his fingers up and down her arm delicately, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and her stomach churn. "You know, you could hang it in MY house love. Be like a little housewarming for you." He winked and held his breath.

"Oh Tom, we talked about this yesterday - and the day before and the day before that! We can't, I can't move in with you, not yet love, I'm sorry." She sighed, and he smiled, nodding.

"I know, darling, it's ok, but you can't blame a man for trying." He winked and kissed her. "It doesn't matter how long, I will be here waiting. Old, deaf and incontinent maybe, but still here!" He laughed and started to tickle her.

"S-stop P-please !" She gasped as she tried, unsuccessfully, to wriggle free of his grasp. She screeched with laughter as he held her close and continued to torture her. "It won't be forever, I promise. I just need a little more time."

"Ok darling, whatever you want, just promise me I'll be the first to know."

"Scout's honour!" She saluted, and he laughed, kissing her again. "So what did Luke actually want?" She sat up, running a hand through her hair and straightening her blouse.

"Oh, shit, yes, sorry!" He slapped his forehead. "We've been invited to a special screening of one of my old films. The director is having a retrospective, and they'd like me to go and do a little speech beforehand. Luke thought you might enjoy it... It's in Rome." He smiled, and her eyes lit up.

"Oooh I get to explore while you work? Sounds brilliant I love Rome!" She clapped her hands in delight but Tom shook his head.

"No love, I want you to come WITH me, be beside me the whole time. Red carpet, the lot. Do you think you could do that? I'd be with you the whole time, I promise."

"Oh, Tom you really want me to go officially... as your girlfriend?!"

"Yes love, it's time, well its been time forcquite a while, I just wasn't sure you'd want to. I want to show the world the beautiful, strong, clever woman I see every day. And I want to show you how much I love you being with me."  He hugged her tightly, her happiness radiating to him, making him so happy too.

"Darling, thank you, thank you so much! I love Rome! I went years ago and have wanted to go back ever since. When?"

"Saturday. We'll be away Friday evening to Sunday so shouldn't affect your work darling." He kissed her and stood up. "I'll finish this then we can have some dinner. I'll call Luke while it's cooking and let him know. This is going to be just what we need. Just wait till the summer, love. Can't wait to take you somewhere exotic and warm to chill."

She stood up and went through to the kitchen to see what she could rustle up. As she did so, she looked at herself in the hall mirror. The cut over her eye had left a little scar, but it was fading, along with all her fears.

They'd never caught the intruder, but now, as she felt better and better, that didn't seem such an issue. Tom and, to a lesser extent, Luke would keep her safe. She knew that now. If only she could find the courage to take the final step. As she looked at the fading scar, she hoped the mental ones were on the way to disappearing too.

Only then could they finally be a couple in every sense. Tom had been unbelievably patient and understanding, never pushing her past the point she was comfortable with, always respecting her boundaries. Now, as she contemplated a trip away with him, she found herself thinking that it might be time.

Later, as they relaxed after a dinner of pasta in tribute to their forthcoming trip, Mia lay in Tom's arms on the sofa as they watched tv.

"Tom?" She murmured as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Yes love?"

"Can I ask you something?" She sat up and looked at him, muting the tv.

His brow furrowed, this had taken a bit of a turn. He suddenly felt nervous for reasons he couldn't quite pin down.

"When we go to Rome?"

"Yes love?" He had a feeling he knew what was coming.  He'd already warned Luke on the ohone earlier, and they'd booked two suites. There was no way he was going to let anything spoil her weekend no matter how he might have wished it would go. He'd have bought the hotel for her if he had to.

"Well," she paused and took a breath, taking his hand in hers. Tom smiled gently, trying to make sure she felt confident enough to say what she really felt.  The last thing he wanted was for her to feel scared about anything. "Did you ask Luke to book separate rooms for us?"

He nodded and smiled "yes Darling, of course I did." He kissed her."Just because we're going away doesn't change a thing.  I'll be right next door if you need me. We will have a wonderful time.  And tomorrow? Tomorrow, we go dress shopping.  I can't have my best girl making her red carpet debut without a red carpet dress now, can I?"

Mia smiled, his answer told her everything she needed to know.  What Tom didn't know, and wouldn't until they got there, is she had absolutely no intention of staying alone.

All she said was "thank you my love, for everything." And kissed him softly. "Maybe we could NOT watch tv for a bit?"  She bit her lip and looked up at him.

"Oh? And what did you have in mind?" He asked quietly, pulling her into his arms.

"Oh, I'm sure you can think of something?" She breathed in his ear as her lips settled on his neck. 

He groaned, and his hands tangled themselves in her hair as she kissed him. He may not have slept with her, but she was his in every other way. He couldn't wait to show her off to the world.

As they kissed goodnight some time later, he knew she loved him, he didn't need - although he would be overjoyed - to take her to bed to know that.

Walking into his flat and stroking Bobby's sleeping form he smiled to himself.  Life was on the up. Nothing could spoil things for him now.  Everything was perfect. It was, wasn't it?

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