A Moment of Madness...

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They got up a little late the next morning and she decided that, after a  night's sleep safe in Tom's arms, she could take on the world. For a little while at least, she would forget what awaited her in London and enjoy every second here. Who knew what the future would hold so why let it spoil the here and now.  Breakfast in their suite was followed by a quick chat with Luke to run over the evening's itinerary.  Once that was out of the way, they had the rest of the day to themselves.  A day that Tom was determined to make special for Mia in every way he could. 

It began with a dress. It was Rome after all, Italian women were effortlessly stylish. Even just walking around casually they exuded elegance. She prayed it would rub off on her!

"Oh Mia!" Tom gasped as she walked out of the changing room. "You look beautiful darling."

His words echoed the whispered "Bella" from the assistant who helped her into it in the changing room.  This being a high end boutique and not a high street chain,  Mia's choice reflected a more classic, but not stuffy, style which they both knew was just perfect.  The woman was a touch older than Mia which would normally have intimidated her.  She was, however, an expert at her job and treated Mia like a queen, asking her what she did and didn't like or want then bringing a selection of dresses, any one of which she would have loved to have.  This one, black velvet, with a subtle satin band around the bustline with a small bow at the front, took her breath away when she tried it on.  It could have been made for her, it was so perfect.  Even though she was considerably shorter than the "target" market, that fact made it knee length and absolutely perfect.

Mia blushed and smiled as she did a little twirl.  Not too showy, just sexy enough to make her feel good and covered enough to make sure she didn't take any limelight from Tom.  It was his night after all.

Her only concession to extravagance was the matching velvet shoes.  Not Italian, no, French. With distinctive red soles.  Well, would be rude not to she thought, since they were there and they fitted and... well, why the hell not?  She could live on beans and toast for a month if she had to. These shoes were to die for.

As she paraded around the boutique, Tom followed her with his eyes - and his heart.  She was, he always knew, beautiful, but in this dress and these shoes? She seemed to radiate star quality and a timeless beauty that he just wanted to look at day in, day out.  He decided that tonight, after the showing, they would have a late dinner again just the two of them.

"I'll take it, and the shoes thanks" Mia said to Gina, the smiling assistant.  Gina clapped her hands together and sighed with a knowing smile.

"Va bene, please just to hand it to me and I will wrap it when you're ready.   Your wife, she is stunning no?" she turned to Tom who beamed as Mia dived for cover, her cheeks scarlet. If only that were true she thought as she changed,  but much as she knew Tom loved her, marriage?  That was beyond even her fevered imagination.

He smiled " Oh Mia's not my wife" and Gina raised an eyebrow as if to say "Mistress?" but Tom winked ".... yet" he added in a whisper and Gina smiled broadly, nodding.  As Mia got changed, Tom spotted something else that would compliment Mia's outfit perfectly.  The boutique did their own range of handmade jewellery.  

Pointing out his choice to her, Gina smiled "Perfetto Signore" and quickly wrapped it so she could hand it to him separately.

By the time Mia was dressed and back out, the bill had been taken care of and Tom handed her the carrier with her shoes and dress.  She was so taken aback at his generosity that she didn't notice the subtle little exchange between him and Gina as they left.

"Oh Tom! You're so kind - and mad!  Spending all that money on just me! I feel so guilty - those shoes alone..." she looked up at him a mixture of gratitude and complete amazement on her face.  

"Darling, the look on your face as you walked out and showed me, told me they were worth every penny.  I'd have bought you the shop if it made you happy love." he kissed her softly,  "but now let's go back and change.  Time to leave for the event soon, I want to be there nice and prompt so I have lots of time to show you off to everyone." he smiled and slipped his arm around her shoulder "You are my world Mia, and I want to make sure EVERYONE knows it before we're done."

As they stood in their suite, waiting for the car to arrive, Tom looked down at her and smiled "wait there love, I just need to get something for you." he disappeared into the bedroom.  Mia didn't have time to wonder what he was up to as he reappeared a moment later with a small tissue wrapped box.

"For you, my beautiful girl" he handed her the parcel and she looked at him in surprise.

"What is it?" 

"You'll have to open it to find out, won't you love?  Not about to spoil the magic now am I?" he shrugged with a grin.

She tore into the paper and opened the box. Inside lay a delicate pair of white gold and diamond earrings. Their pared back elegance complimenting her dress perfectly. A single drop on the end of the filigree work that twisted and curled from another drop at her ear. Her eyes filled with delighted tears as she looked up at him. "Oh Tom! They're gorgeous, thank you!" she smiled and kissed his cheek. "Help me?"

She removed the plain gold earrings she wore and placed them on a side table.  Tom took the new ones as she held her hair out of the way.  Delicately he threaded them into her ears, his fingers brushing her neck as he did so, making her shiver deliciously.

When they were both in place, his hands lingered on the curve of her neck where it met her shoulders and he ran his fingers down her exposed back, pulling her to him gently.

"You, my darling, are exquisite. Those diamonds should be ashamed, they fail to shine as brightly when you are near them." he smiled and kissed her.  "You definitely need more diamonds in your life Mia and I intend to make sure that happens."

There was a pause as they let that settle, the thunderous implication hitting her like a freight train.  Before she could respond, the doorbell on their suite sounded then Luke walked in.  They turned to welcome him, still in each other's arms. 

"Hi" he said "Am I disturbing a 'moment'" he laughed, quoting with his fingers "because, no, I can't come back. Time to go lovebirds." he paused as Mia and Tom parted and she walked towards him, gathering her coat and bag.  He didn't speak just looked the two of them up and down then, without any warning turned and said,

"Oh my GOD! You look amazing TOM!" for a second there was stunned silence then the three of them burst out laughing.  "Sorry, I thought I better say it 'cos there's no way in HELL he's gonna hear that when you're in the room Mia honey. You look stunning!" Luke winked at Tom and the two of them laughed like drains.  Mia just blushed as she pushed him out of the door.

"Come on CHILDREN, time to go - but thanks Luke, all compliments, even backhanded ones gratefully received!" 

As they walked down to the car, Luke pulled Tom back "How is she? Coping?" Tom nodded.

"So far, we had a major issue last night, but it's ok for now. Just have to be careful. She looks strong, but we know she's really not, well not about this. " he watched as she greeted the driver who helped her into the car "I intend to make sure she never feels alone again, I just need to get tonight over with first." He looked at his friend who nodded.

"Come on the man, let's get this show on the road.  It's gonna be quite a night."

Quite a night, yes, that would turn out to be an understatement if ever there was one.

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