Chapter 12

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Unknown pov

"Yeah, boss. We just acquired the shipment and killed some of her men to leave a message. What do you want us to do now?" He asked.

"Just secure it in a protected warehouse."

"Okay boss." He replied.

"And don't fuck this up."

"You got it boss." He hanged up the phone.

In a darkly lit room with only the fireplace to show light, the man's face was illuminated by the fire as he smirked evilly to himself. "She'll soon know real pain." He said to himself not knowing just who he fucked with.

He stared into the fire for one more second before laughing to himself. He soon after left the room, to begin what he thought would be the start of his reign, but he would soon know it would be his downfall messing with σκοτάδι.

Jules pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I moved my hand towards my bedtable and picked up my phone. I opened my eyes to see who was calling me before answering it. It was Alec, my second in command, so I answered it. "Hold on, let me get somewhere private." I told him.

"Okay boss." He replied.

I muted the phone before looking to see if Bonnie was still asleep, she was. I leaned over and kissed her forehead before slowly untangling my self from her. After finally doing so I put a pillow in my place.

I left the room so that I could talk without waking Bonnie. I walked to the Kitchen before unmuting myself, "Speak." I told him.

"Ah boss, the Americans stole one of our shipments of guns." He spoke.

"And, is he in my cells waiting for me to torture him?" I questioned him.

Alec went quiet for a sec, before he began stammering, w...well, no but." He started before I interrupted him as soon as I heard no. "Alec, just do your job before I have to do it for you and as you well know no one would like that." I said.

"Okay, boss." He replied.

"I expect that I would be given results, in the next 24hours. Hmm?" I phrased it like a question even thought we both know it wasn't. "Yeah, boss." He replied.

"Good boy." I said before hanging up. "Incompetent, motherfucking. And why the fuck do the Americans suddenly think they can fuck with me. Well, there all going to die in the end so it doesn't really matter to me." I thought to myself."

I walked back into the bedroom to see that Bonnie was still sleeping. I stood and watched her for a second, just admiring her. I still wonder how I got so lucky with such a beautiful person for a mate.

I walked towards the bed and walked towards the side Bonnie was on, before leaning over her to place a kiss on her forehead. I pulled back before I called out her name to wake her up, "Bonnie." I called. She stirred but didn't wake up. I placed my hand on her shoulder before lightly shaking her.

"Wake up, baby." I spoke, before leaning over her to kiss her forehead again. But I didn't stop there I then moved my lips lower down before kissing her cheeks, Then, even lower to kiss her lips. When I felt her start to get up, I continued before I felt her kissing back.

Bonnie's pov

I woke up to the feel of Jules' lips on mine, I felt her pulling away before I grabbed her by the neck to keep her there. The feel of her lips on mine were simple euphoric, I couldn't get enough. I felt her smile into the kiss before she pulled away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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