Chapter 3

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Damon is watching Mason and Carol as he talks with Liz. "Who's the guy with Carol?" He asks. "It's the mayor's younger brother, Mason Lockwood." "Is he on the council? Like John Gilbert was when he rolled in?"

"He's nothing like John. For one, he's not an ass. He's not a believer either. He wants nothing to do with the council. He's too preoccupied finding the perfect wave." "Thanks." Sheriff Forbes walks away. "See you." He continues to watch the duo.

Katherine walks towards the entrance of the Lockwood house. Tyler stops her and grabs her hands in appreciation. "Hey Elena, thanks for coming. Come on in." She enters the house, smiling.

Damon and Bonnie are talking . "Did you know the Gilbert device affected Tyler Lockwood?" She asks.

"Well, I know it took the mayor down." "Don't you want to know why?" "Yes Bonnie, I would love to know why a anon-vampire was tortured by the vampire torture device that you let John Gilbert use against us. Speaking of your guilt, how's Caroline?"

"She's much better."

"No, you're welcome."

"Why am I welcome?"

"You live to see another day."

"No good deal goes unpunished with you, does it?"

"Doesn't undue the bad. I know what you are Damon, you might have Elena and the sheriff and everybody else fooled but not me. One wrong move and I'm gonna take you out." "Now you need to stop with the witches' brew. You're starting to believe your own press."

She looks at him and Damon groans and holds his head in pain. She stops after a minute. "Oh, I'm sorry, you were saying?" She walks out to the front porch and over to Katherine, who Bonnie thinks is Elena. "Oh my god! Damon drives me crazy. He's walking around like he's some kind of hero for healing Caroline when It's his fault all of this happened in the first place."

" I'm sorry Bonnie. What Damon's done is just awful."

She takes a deep breath. "Okay, better. Hateful Damon moment over." Bonnie touches her arm and immediately senses that she is not Elena. "I've got to find Tyler and pay my respects. I'll be back."


Bonnie walks away as Katherine watches her go. She walks into a room and immediately dials Elena on her phone. "Hello?" "Elena? Where are you?" "Bonnie, I know I'm late. I'm getting in the car now. I'll be there in five." She hangs up.

Bonnie is shocked. She turns around to leave but sees Katherine behind her. She gasps. "We haven't officially met. I'm Katherine." "I know who you are."

"Of course you do. You're the best friend right? I've been putting all the pieces of Elena's life together. Isobel told me it was a bit of a puzzle. I do know who Jenna and Jeremy are and I met that delicious ex-boyfriend Matt, who's sweet on Caroline, and then there's you, the vampire-hating Bennet witch. Did I do good?" Bonnie tries to leave the room, but Katherine flashes around her and blocks her way out. Bonnie uses her aneurism inducing spell on Katherine. Katherine feigns being hurt before standing straight. I've been around a long time Bonnie, you're gonna have to do better than that." She grabs Bonnie by the throat and pushes her against the wall. She vamps out. Bonnie opens the doors with her powers to expose them to the other guests. Katherine's face goes back to normal. "Nice."


Damon walks into the living room and pours himself a drink. He starts to walk out but stops. "Very brave of you to come here." He turns his head. Katherine is sitting on the couch. "I wanted to say goodbye."

"Leaving so soon?"

"I know when I'm not wanted."

"Don't pout. It's not attractive on a woman your age."

She scoffs. "Ouch." Damon finished his drink and starts to walk out of the room. Katherine flashes in front of him. What, no goodbye kiss?" "Why don't I kill you instead? What are you doing here?" "Nostalgia, curiosity, etc." "I'm better at the enigmatic one-liners, Katherine. What are you up to?"

"Trust me Damon, when I'm up to something, you'll know it. Come on. Kiss me. Or kill me. Which will it be, Damon/ We both know that you're only capable of one." She inches closer towards his lips. He turns and walks away. She rushes in front of him again and grabs him by the throat. She pushes him down to the floor and lies on top of him. "My sweet, innocent Damon."

He turns himself on top of her and grabs her by the throat. After a few seconds of hesitation, he kisses her. "That's more like it." They continue to kiss. Katherine flashes Damon against the wall. She rips his shirt open and pulls him back in. Damon knocks books off a nearby table and pushes Katherine down onto the table.

He continues kissing her neck, then pauses. "Okay, wait brief pause." Katherine pushes him off of her and stands up. "I have a question. Answer it and It's back to fireworks and rockets red glare, Answer it right and I'll forget the last one-hundred and forty five years that I've spent missing you.

I'll forget how much I loved you, I'll forget everything and we can start over. This could be our defining moment because we have the time. That's the beauty of eternity." He gently caresses her face. "I just need the truth, just once."

"Stop. I already know your question and It's answer. The truth is....I've never loved you. It was always Stefan." She takes his hands off her face and leaves and upset Damon standing there.

Damon is at the boarding house. He throws his jacket onto the chair and pours himself a drink. He throws the glass into the fireplace.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Damon not knowing who it is just opens the door, and standing in front of the door is Julianna the most important person in his life who he considers his mom.


"Hello Damon, It's great to see you, heard you were having a werewolf problems and that Katherine back."


"Well aren't you gonna give your mom a hug?"

Damon rushes into his mother's arms and starts to cry, both in sadness and happiness. "So what have I missed?"

Damon just continues to cry. "Aww... baby It's okay I'm here now and nothing's or no, one ever gonna hurt you again." She says.


Author's Note

So how you like that please Like, and Comment and tell me what you think about this chapter?

Hope everyone's good and having a wonderful day.

Don't know If I'm gonna post a chapter tomorrow, because I've got school tomorrow. That's why you'll find that this chapter Is a little longer that the others.

So that all and don't forget that you can ask me anything or just to read your stories if you want anyways bye.

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