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||BAU Badasses 🥷||

Emily: anybody notice how Lilly's been flirting with detective Kodesco since we've been here? 🤔🤔

JJ: and how spence has been giving her dirty looks since Lilly's been flirting with her? 🤔🤔

Spencer: what? No i haven't!!

Derek: do i smell some ✨jealousy✨ there pretty boy 🤩

Spencer: No!

Rossi: kiddo, it's obvious your jealous

Derek: when Italian stallion speaks straight up FACTS 🤩🤞🏾


Rossi: i have no idea what you just said

Lilly: anyone kno why the hell spencies acting like he's on his man-period or sum sht?

JJ: man-period 🤭

Emily: he just wishes he could take Kodesco's place when u flirt with her 🤫

Spencer: no i don't! Don't listen to them Lilly they're being fucking stupid

Lilly: did he just... 😧

Derek: i think he did... 😳

Emily: wtf did we do to him...? 😬

JJ: i think we broke him... 😅😅😢

Penelope: *horrified looks from everyone in the room*

Spencer: what did I do ☹️☹️

Lilly: nothing hun we're just messing around 🫶

Spencer: okay :D can you help me with the geographical profile?

Lilly: ofc ml <3

Emily: okay i just read that right? Like i didn't imagine it

JJ: I'm pretty sure we all just read that

Derek: 😐😑😐 there ain't no way there not fucking like COME ON


Penelope: the ship has left the harbour 🥳🥳🥳🥳🚢 🚢🚢🚢


Derek: the ships sailed around the Atlantic twice already baby girl

Lilly: [replying to: JUST. KISS. ALREADY. 😑😑] ok how can u 2 talk abt denial when u cant even admit to each other that u luv each other?? Hm??

Emily: um... I gotta go walk my fish 🏃‍♀️💨

JJ: I need to fold my dishes 🏃‍♀️💨💨💨

Lilly: exactly bitches 🙄

Hotch: why are you texting instead of trying to catch this unsub?

Lilly: blame emily she started the convo

Emily: bitch! Blame Lilly she's flirting w/ the lead detective!

Lilly: what the fuck does that have to do with literally anything??

Emily: its making Reid jealous which I suspect is the real reason ur flirting with her in the first place which is making him pouty asf so i was just asking if anyone else had noticed it so this is ur fault >:(

Lilly: it's ur fault bc ur paying more attention to me instead of the fuckin case!! Fan behaviour much 🙄🤚

Hotch: both of you stop acting like misbehaving children, before I treat you like misbehaving children! Prentiss, go to the new crime scene with Morgan, Williams stay with Reid and stop flirting with Kodesco.

JJ: well that was fun to watch 😃

Rossi: agreed

Derek: what pasta man said 🫠

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