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The Vlassopoulos' lived in a literal castle. Eight skinny round towers were both a defensive and decorative aspect of the elegant castle and were connected by tall, massive walls made of light pink stone. Stylish windows are scattered generously across the walls in an asymmetric pattern, along with huge crenellations which in olden days would have been for archers and artillery.

"It's got a vast gate with giant wooden doors and large crenellations give a safe place to rest in this forest stronghold and it's the only easy way in, but easy is very relative here." Xander explained as we looked over the pictures we had taken that morning.

The plan was simple. Well sort of simple. It had to be changed from the original one seeing as Xander no longer had a vampire on his team. If I was being honest we were a far better team. Anyway I'm getting sidetracked. What was I saying again? Oh right.

The plan was simple. We had four weeks to get Marina out of here and to another one of the global camps run by the Black family. Yes they were a global thing. The Blacks and all their associates created safe havens for supernaturals who wanted to be away from humanity and safe. Mostly teenagers and those in their 20s. This had been going on for generations. The only people that left the camps were those strong enough to protect themselves or crafty enough to stay hidden.

I was talking about the plan. Sorry. Hector Vlassopoulos was the head of Greece's most powerful hunting family. My grandma had mentioned them in the only Wilson meeting I had ever attended. Five years ago they had gotten lucky and captured a siren off the shores of the island. Siren songs work on everyone they are intended for. The only way a siren song wouldn't work on you is if you aren't the target. This is also about the same time he opened his club Siren. Subtle I know.

By day Marina helped locate and lure supernaturals of all kinds to their deaths by the hands of the Vlassopoulos'. By night she was the main event at Vlassopoulos and sang people out of their money. The plan, which I realise I haven't explained yet is simple. Yes I know you're tired of hearing that. Bite me.

Siren had two job openings. A bartender and a performer. Kenji just got hired as an exclusive entertainer. He begged me not to apply for that spot. I was still waiting to hear back from them for the bartender position. We were to scope out the club from the inside. Take note of cameras all possible exits, security all that. If we could we were going to break Marina out from Siren. But if we needed to we'd have to raid the castle.

"Your amulet makes you seem human. And no one knows enough of what Kenji is to sense him so you'll both pass the barrier." Xander said from next to me.

"At this point I'm convinced he's a unicorn." I said smiling at the Ken who was too focused on the anime on his phone screen than our conversation.

"Close enough." Xander laughed. "Carlton and I will be on ground control."

"I can figure out a spell that can hide you." I told them.

"Don't worry about it I'm fine here. Besides the two of you will have us out of here in less than two weeks."

See. Better than a vampire.

"I'm actually not fine. I'd very much love a protection spell." Carlton speaks up.

"Atta boy Carlton. Real men use protection." Kenji called out from the couch.

"I hate him." Xander grumbled.

"No you don't" I chuckled "Ken get up we have practice."

We didn't really have practice. It was more yoga and meditating. Calling it practice just made it seem more important. We quickly changed and grabbed yoga mats before going outside and spreading them out in front of the pond.

Hunted (REWRITTEN) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang