Happy Birthday

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I escaped Carlton at some point during the night and stood in the corner of the room nursing a glass of champagne. Now that I could legally drink I figured why not try it. I immediately realized I hate the taste of champagne.

"Not a fan of parties I assume?" A voice asks beside me startling me. I jump and spill some of the alcohol on my dress groaning when I look down.

"Shit. Was sneaking up on me necessary?" I sigh looking at him. I pause and study the stranger for a second. He feels...familiar. Though that doesn't make any sense.

He looks completely put together. Like he stepped out of a magazine dedicated to business moguls. He's dressed in a charcoal grey suit. Like the whole thing. Tie, vest and everything. His jacket is the only thing unbuttoned. He passes me a white silk handkerchief from his pocket and I take it still studying him.

If I had to guess he's about Carlton's age. However old that is. But some one so young shouldn't be so proper. It's kind of off putting.

"Sorry for scaring you birdie." He smiles. He speaks casually. Which is a contrast to how formal he looks, but then again that just confirms I was kind of right about his age.

"It's Melaine. And don't worry about it. I doubt the dress will stain."

"So Birdie. Wanna tell me why you're sulking in a corner at a party. On your birthday no less." He asks leaning against the wall next to me.

"I'm not sulking and," I pause and glare at him suspiciously, "How do you know today's my birthday?"

"Lucky guess?" He shrugs playfully.

"I don't think anyone's that lucky." I scoff. He laughs shaking head and smiles at me.

"You're right. Xander told me." He nods towards the man in question who's been actively ignoring me.

"I don't see why he would. It's not like he cares. Especially considering how he's been  avoiding me." I find myself telling the stranger as I watch Xander make a U turn after seeing me for the fifth time tonight. He chuckles looking down at his feet then at me.

"It's nothing personal trust me. He's avoiding everyone. The party has him agitated." He says.

"And you would know such a personal detail because?" I ask hoping he'll introduce himself.

"I'm his personal diary. In the sense that I force information out of him." He says without explaining further.

"And does said personal diary have a name?" I prompt further.

"He does." He says looking away. Feeling suddenly violent I pinch his arm causing him to yelp and turn to me wide eyed.

"This is the part where you tell me your name?"

"You pinched me." He whines like a child.

"I'll slap you if you don't give me a name. You owe me for drenching me in alcohol."

"Fine. I was hoping to be mysterious but you've killed my fun," he pouts.

"What can I say I'm a fun killer." I shrug.

"Kenji Tanaka at your service Miss Wilson." He giving me a small bow.

"You're a strange one." I smile.

"Thank you. So any signs of your powers showing up?" He asks "I heard they get unlocked today."

"Where are you getting all this information?" I ask

"Can't really say."

"Well to answer your question, I haven't really felt powerful today. No surge of energy, I didn't accidentally break my door handle due to super human strength. I don't even know what to look for. There's no information on what a chaos Phoenix is." I say then my eyes widen. Why did I tell him all that? Is that his power? The ability to make people comfortable enough to divulge information? What exactly was he?

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