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I sit in the kitchen with a mug clutched in my hand staring out the window. I haven't seen anyone else since I wandered down this morning. Considering the size of this place I expected it to be crawling with people. Buzzing with life. But the house is as silent as a grave. Not even a person in the kitchen making breakfast. Something tells me the lack of people is because of me. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Is it that they're afraid of me? Or are they just trying not to overwhelm me?

"Are you okay?" A voice asks behind me making me jump slightly. I turn my head and find Carlton leaning against the entrance. He pushes off the door frame and slowly moves into the room.

"Yes. No. I don't know." I say honestly.

"So much has happened in such a short time. It's a lot to dump on you in just two days." He says sitting across the counter in front of me.

"I guess." I sigh looking down before looking up at him. "You're being nicer."

"I was told to be." He shrugs grabbing an apple from the basket of fruit in front of us and biting into it.

"By your dad?" He didn't answer just smirked.

"I'm supposed to take you on a tour of the pack and explain who we are."

"You mind starting with an explanation first?" I ask hopeful.

"I'd prefer to walk and talk. Besides, this is your chance to get out of the house."

"Good point."

"Are you ready?" He asks walking towards the door.

"Yeah sure."

We step outside and I squint trying to adjust my eyes to the brightness of the sun. We round to the front of the house and that's when I finally see people.

"Blackmoon pack is the largest pack in California. And also the most powerful. Not only because of our size but because of our members as well."

"The name of the pack is Blackmoon? As in your last name and the name of the thing that makes you go all teen wolf?" I ask trying to hold in a laugh.

"I'm not opposed to hitting girls just so you know. And also it was named centuries ago when the first Black family settled here." We stop in front of a car and he nods towards it. "Jump in. I might as well show you how big this place is."

I climb into the passenger seat and roll down the window and we immediately drive down the road. Blackmoon is like its own little town. The residential area is just this open space wig houses and paths and roads for cars. But there are absolutely no walls or fences or gates to separate individual properties. Carlton says it's a way of encouraging togetherness. I think it's the excuse white people use to invade each others privacy.

But unlike my little gated community in New York, Blackmoon isn't a wannabe KKK base. As we drive towards the central business district I spot several different nationalities lingering in the streets.

"We're the only pack that allows other species to join our ranks. So aside from werewolves we have vampires, witches, other shifters, a banshee and some far that keep to the woods."

"Wait really?" I ask turning to face him. "They're all real? And when you say other shifters do you mean like a bear as well?"

"We only have two bear shifters at the moment, if we have time I'll introduce you."

As I continued to look out the window in absolute wonder, which probably creeped the townspeople out, one thing I noticed was that everyone looked human. To anyone else this place would simply look like a bunch of people from different parts of the world living in one community.

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