Chaos Witch

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"True but she's fine Richard. Stop being dramatic."

"She's my daughter. I'm not being dramatic."

"Get off your fucking high horse. Melaine is a Wilson. And Wilson's are hunters, its in her blood. If you really didn't want her to walk down this path you wouldn't have agreed to the test. All our kids faced Mary before they got inaugurated. She's not any special."

I blocked out the arguing happening outside the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I looked like the life had been sucked out of me. I was dressed in a fluffy white robe after I had washed all the blood off me in a daze. I had to wash my hair too. And I was going to regret it tomorrow. But in the moment I didn't care. I just needed to get Mary's blood off me.

Mary Wilson.

When we walked into the house earlier it had finally clicked where I saw Mary. She was in a picture with my dad and his siblings that he kept hidden in his safe at the house. I had cracked it once just for fun and found the old framed photograph. Uncle John stood in a suit next to a smiling Chris who was in the Du Pont graduation gown. And next to him was my dad and Mary, both in the school's uniform.

The same uniform she was wearing today. The door opening startled me and I turned to watch my dad walk in with a basket of my hair products. He stands behind me and immediately sets to work on my hair.

We're both silent as he goes through our usual wash day routine. He moves on auto pilot having done it for so many years. As he starts to braid it he finally breaks the silence. 

The summer after my high school graduation my friends and I decided to spend the summer backpacking across Europe. Just like a lot of American graduates. One night while we were in Paris one of my best friends told us he knew the best club in the city. With the drinking age being 18 we didn't need fake ID's. At some point I realised he was missing so I stepped out of the club to look for him.

I found him in an alley his head buried in our friend Avery's neck. I thought nothing of it and was about to go back inside when he stood straight and she fell to the ground. His mouth covered in her blood. His eyes completely black with veins visible around them. He spotted me and smirked revealing fangs. Then he was gone.

The next day he acted like nothing happened and Avery was still alive. No bite marks, no blood. I crossed it off and said the alcohol had gotten to my head. I stayed friends with Jackson. I even let him start dating my younger sister. Your Aunt Mary. And then freshman year of college I decapitated him for turning her."


"That event was the catalyst that made this family start hunting. We killed everything that wasn't human. Drove them out of New York. Built a name for ourselves in the hunting and supernatural community. Eventually something made me change. I stopped killing those that didn't deserve it. But the rest of my family didn't stop. They couldn't.

The only person they couldn't kill was Mary. Despite what she was. She was still family. But that love for her got twisted along the way. To punish her for what she as she became a way to test new hunters. Or a punching bag for anyone who needed to release stress or anger. And she eventually forgot who she was and fell into her role."

"I killed her." I whisper.

"No you didn't. It takes more than a bullet to kill a vampire. She's going to be out of it for a few days. But she's still alive." He says softly. "What happened in there Mel?"

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