White Wolf

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I sat on the floor next to my room staring off into space. My broken bedroom door was hanging off the top hinges. The door knob still being gripped tightly in my hand. No one had made it back yet. Logan had locked me in my room to prevent me from tagging along with the search party. According to him I should be resting and shouldn't be straining my leg. He told me to shower and get out of the bloody dress. In anger I broke the door then sank to the floor in shock because I wasn't supposed to be that strong.

What the hell was I? I killed that guy in the woods and set his friend on fire. He was probably dead too. I decapitated a man without touching him. I set another on fire by simply touching him. I liked to believe I had heard every folklore and knew every creature there could be because my dad crammed it into my head with all the books he had me read. A groan at the end of the hall had me turning. I watched Xander walk towards me a hand over his stomach. Kenji helping him walk. He was in a better state than all of us. Not a single scratch was on him.

I dragged myself up just as they reached me and my eyes scanned Xander. He had a cut on his cheek. His hair was all over the place. He wasn't wearing a shirt his stomach wrapped in bandages. I finally looked up and noticed he was doing the same. Kenji was staring at my door and I cleared my throat.

"They locked me in and wouldn't let me help find you." I whispered.

Xander was still staring at my dress and I looked down. The front part of it was stained and appeared darker and I knew it was from the blood. He slowly let go of Kenji and stood alone.

"It's not mine. But that doesn't make it any better having so...." I was cut short when he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and held onto him letting out a shaky breath.

I don't know how long we were standing there for but when we finally let go of each other we were the only two people in the hallway. He grabbed my hand and silently led me into his room closing the door behind us. He made me sit on his bed and walked to his closet. I watched him pull out a shirt and sweatpants before he came over and knelt in front of me placing them in my lap.

"You can use my bathroom. You'll sleep here tonight. I'll feel more comfortable if you do." He said quietly. His voice a little horse.


"Please." He whispered almost pleadingly.

I got the clothes and stood up silently limping to the bathroom. I shut the door and slipped out of the dress. After showering I put on the clothes he had given me and walked back into the room. He was on the bed in a shirt now with a first aid kit next to him. When I sat down next to him he silently redressed my wound and put away the kit not letting go of my leg.

"I shouldn't have let us go. This was probably the worst birthday ever. If I had stood my ground we would have..."

"Hey." I said holding his hand cutting him off. "None of this is your fault. You didn't know. Besides I've had worse birthdays."

"I doubt it." He chuckled.

"No one showed up for my sweet sixteen. They all went to Tiffany Adams house because she was hosting a party to get attention away from mine. It worked."

"I would have come." He smiled rubbing his thumb on my hand.

"Tonight was one of my best birthdays before the whole people trying to kidnap me thing. But I'm used to it now." I said. Xander frowned and looked at the wall.

"They shouldn't have known you were there. The necklace hides your scent and conceals your power so you appear human, and no one knows what you look like. They came prepared. Aside from the ones at the dinner a couple more were waiting around the barrier. They knew you'd be with wolves and a vampire and they were prepared for it. They didn't count on Kenji because no one but the both of us knows what he is." He said standing.

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