Dynamite Battles/Quad Drive Smoker Shu Kurenai x Reader

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Requested by kurenaishu15
Thanks for requesting. I'm not gonna lie, I was honestly getting so uncomfortable while writing this...

Trigger Warning: This chapter will have mention of smoking and cigarettes. If you're uncomfortable then please skip this chapter.

Short Note: All the characters in this chapter are aged up and ARE legal adults, i.e., the boys are 21 years old and the reader is going to be 20 (any age above 18 is suitable).

None of the characters in the story and NEITHER THE AUTHOR promote or support smoking. 🚭

Alright now, I think I can begin the chapter.
Raging Bulls:
New York, America:
Shu's office:

The red eyed albino stretched his arms and sighed heavily as he'd finally finished his paperwork for the day. He decided to take a break as he took out his phone from his pocket and decided to surf the internet for a while.

Opening YouTube, he found his favourite music video and clicked on it. Unfortunately, ads played before the video.

In the first ad, the albino saw the video of 'Say No To Smoking'. He saw how youngsters of today were smoking and doing cigarettes.

'These days, I'm surely seeing a lot of ads relating with smoking and cigarettes. I know this habit is wrong but these youngsters seem so cool when they do it. Hmm, alright then, today after finishing work, I'll also try doing it. I'll just TRY it.'

He thought to himself as he clicked the 'Skip Ads' button without seeing the rest of the video. Unfortunately, he didn't see the part where the video showed the bad health effects and awareness about the habit.

After finishing the work for the day:
Shu's house:
In the living room:

The red eyed albino was finally home after a tired day of teaching bladers and doing the work of the Bulls. On his way home, he'd managed to buy a small pack of cigarettes from a small shop.

Right now, he was sitting on the couch with the packet in his hand, contemplating whether he should really try it or not. He ended up on deciding to try just one.

He took out a lighter and lit one of them as he reluctantly put it in his mouth. As soon as the cigarette made contact with his taste buds, he felt a burst of dopamine in his head as he closed his eyes and relaxed himself, smoking on the couch.

'I didn't know it feels this good to do. I guess this is why people call this an 'addiction'.'

The albino thought as his mouth and surroundings were slowly filling up with the smoke.


After that day, Shu smoked one cigarette atleast once a week. As time passed by, it gradually increased to twice a week, then once every day, then twice every day.

His students and friends were now starting to get suspicious as they often found a weird smell lingering around him. He often put down the subject by saying that it must either be his cologne or sweat after practice.

But how long could he hide the truth from his own friends?

One day Valt, Rantaro, Wakiya and (Y/N) who were his friends since Beigoma, decided to find out about this mysterious 'smell'.

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