Chapter One

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I walked over sitting by the window, staring at the rain that was pouring in. I had plans before to take a walk around the garden, read a little on the tree swing in solitude before I was forced into some of my many lessons my mother had to keep me busy. Luckily Wednesdays were her busiest days, which meant she was on my back less. There was a light knock on my door. I knew exactly who it was. You don't give someone a secret knock and expect for it not to be used.

Knock, knock, knock knock, knock knock.

"Come in." I said and the door opened with my lady's maid Dorota coming inside.

Dorota was a short, large women with ashy brown hair pulled tightly into a bun. When her hair was down, it went to the middle of her back, which I know from the times I was little— trapped in my room as punishment—I would take down her hair to brush it. I enjoyed brushing her hair much more than having her brush mine. She was like a mother to me. She took care of me when I was sick— made me drink this horrid tea—, she tucked me in at night, she read me stories —extra stories when I was sick or sad—, she helped when I was having a hard time with my many lessons. Since my mom wanted her to watch my every move, she knew everything I was learning, so if I got stuck or needed to practice, she was there. When I had no one, I had her. When I couldn't talk to anyone, I could talk to her.

Dorota shut the door behind her, walking over to me with a letter in her hand. Her smile, which she often had, was holding more excitement than it usually had. "I assume that letter is what has you bursting with joy?" I asked and she handed it towards me.

"It's from Miss Eloise Bridgerton." She handed me the letter and the first thing I noticed was the seal not being open.

"You snuck it past my mother?"

"I would never dream of doing such things."

"That's why you are my favorite." We smiled a knowing smile at each other before I turned my attention to the letter. Eloise Bridgerton enjoyed writing letters, I know that, and she would make a point as to write me a few times, but my parents rarely stayed in one house for long making it harder for me to get her correspondents in a timely fashion.

I stood up, walking towards my desk that was pressed up against the cream colored wall surrounded by my walls of books. Most of them I was forced to read for my lesson. My mother wanted me to be smart for every situation with new skills and new languages, but in the same breath she tells me a powerful man doesn't like a smart girl. The more power, the more dumb you need to be. The thought alone makes me sick. Makes it easier to die alone with no family than having to put up with that.

I opened the letter reading:

Dear Charlotte,

I hope this letter reaches you well. I know that it takes time for you to get my letters and I am hoping I have given you enough time to make the proper arrangements. For what, you might ask. Well, marriage-market season is coming. I know you said before that you may not be able to come back now that Daphne is married, but I would wish you did. I know Daphne was your closest friend, but I believe you brought a joy into our home. Plus, you and I would have a daring time picking through the suitors and deciding who was suitable and who was not. I have discussed it with my mother and she, too, would love for you to come stay with us. I hope to hear from you.

Sincerely, Eloise

I missed London. There was always something about being in a home that you grew up in, but there was also something cold about it. With my father always shut away in his office, my mother attention to her many duties, the servants running around, I was all alone. My expectations were many, but my company was few. I had been courted by men, but as soon as my mom deemed them unacceptable, they were gone as fast as they came. London was different. London, she left me under the control of Violet Bridgerton to help me find a husband. I was free to attend parties with more peace than before. I would dance, I would socialize, and I would protect my honor, but I didn't have to court someone I didn't want to. I loved London.

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