Chapter Eight

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I stood in the yard of the Bridgerton house with Benedict on a beautiful day. Eloise was finishing up her tea at the table. She didn't want to walk under the sun. I 'forgot' to wear my bonnet to protect me from the sun. I rather enjoyed the feeling of the sun on my face, and I didn't care what anyone had to say about it. "Tell me, how does one go around looking at colors and seeing art?" I asked, getting Benedict to look over at me.

Before Benedict would say a word, Dorota made it over to me handing me a letter, "Miss. Charlotte, letter from your mother."

I smiled, taking the letter, "Thank you, Dorota." I looked back at Benedict who had failed to answer my question, "I'm still listening."

"Always the multi-tasker." Benedict scoffed while I opened the letter.

"Benedict." I scolded him, trying to make him continue.

"Didn't you learn your colors when you were in your teachings?"

"Yes, but I've only associated them with dress colors." I ran my eyes through the letter while Benedict scoffed at me. Then I felt the blood leave my face.

"Are you alright?" I heard Benedict ask, but I couldn't get myself to move from the letter.

"Today." I croaked out, looking at Dorota. Her face was scrunched up like she was waiting for something to explode. She was waiting for me to explode.

"What about today?" Benedict asked and I looked at him with my hands shaking.

"My mother will be here to see me any minute!" I shouted, making him jump away from me. I looked back at Dorota, the air around me getting harder to breath. "I think my hair is alright, but this dress— Why would I wear this dress?" I snapped, walking away from them and towards the house.

"You have many dresses," Dorota said, trying to make me feel better, but that wasn't working. Nothing was going to work. This is the worst news I have ever heard! I swear, I am a good person. I don't know why this happens to me!

Colin walked out of the house probably towards the plate of biscuits Eloise had with her. "Hey Charlotte," Colin tried to greet me, and I swear I stopped to greet him.

"Who ever said yellow acceptable color!" I practically sob, running back into the house.

"Monsters!" I heard Colin shout and, to be honest, that made me feel much better. I felt heard.

I ran towards the stairs to see Anthony walking in my direction. The second he saw me, I swear all I could see was worry on his face. I don't need to see worry or concern from Anthony Bridgerton. I'm supposed to be staying away from him. "Are you alright?" Anthony asked.

Now, I may not have meant to yell at Benedict or Colin, but I think I meant to yell at him. He deserves it. "Alright? Do I look alright?! Do you think if I was alright I would be run about the house like someone was trying to kill me!" I walked past him, heading towards the staircase.

"Miss Charlotte is stressed." I heard Dorota defend me to Anthony at the bottom of the stairs.

I stopped, turning around to look at her, "Dorota! We don't have time for you to excuse my ill-manner behavior to Anthony!"

"As I was just yelled at, I would say there very much time for an explanation." Anthony said back at me with his hands on his hips.

"I don't hear Benedict whining, and I yelled at him first!" I shouted again, turning around. "This dress should be burned!"

"You liked this dress." Dorota said from behind me and I scoffed practically pulling at the buttons of my dress. I am going to rip this dress off if I have to. I didn't even care the door wasn't shut yet.

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