Chapter Seven

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It was late at night and I was laying in bed, searching to fall asleep. I don't know why it was hard. I had felt exhausted before, but it wasn't even coming close this time. Then there was a knock on my door. I pushed myself up onto the palm of my hands. "Come in," I said, watching careful to see Eloise step into the room. I let out a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding, "Is something the matter?"

Eloise walked over, standing next to my bed. "I must tell you something," My room was empty, but Eloise was still whispering like she was trying not to wake someone up.

I nodded, moving over to the side of the bed for her to join me. We both turned on our sides, facing each other.

"You must promise not to be mad at me," Eloise said and I could only slightly make her face out from the darkness.

"I promise to try," I said.

Eloise took a deep breathing before letting it out, "I may have had a purpose for sending you that letter at the start of the season."

"People have a purpose for everything they do."

She paused for a moment. So long I thought she wasn't going to say anything at all. I opened my mouth to say something when she blurted out, "I wish for you to marry Anthony."

I felt my entire body tense and a little worried my eyes were going to pop out of my head, "What? Why?"

"Anthony must marry eventually, and wouldn't it be great for us to be real sisters! I know Daphne would love it, and my mother already treats you as a daughter!"

I slightly chuckled, "I would love to trade mothers."

"It would be wonderful."

This time I was the one struggling to say something, but all that was left to say was the truth. No matter how hard it was or how much a part of me didn't want to believe it. "It's not going to happen. Anthony does not want to marry me. I know that. I think you must know that too."

I looked at Eloise and I could see her smile with a darkness, "We could force him."

"Yes, that is a marriage I would want." I made sure there was no way to deny the sarcasm in my voice.

Eloise sighed, turning around to lay on her back and stare at the ceiling. "You would be good for him. He needs someone who will make him happy."

This time I sighed, turning around to lay on my back the same as she did. "And I'm sure he will find that without me." Even if I'm not sure I want it to be true.

The next afternoon while super was being prepared, I was in the library just waiting for it to be done. I had nothing planned. Lord Withers has yet to call upon me, and I beyond shocked. I thought he would have by now. I thought we had a good enough time together. I stepped out into the hall running straight into Anthony, who seemed to be walking into the direction of his office. Being that close to him, my stomach did flips of excitement. "I'm sorry," I said, quickly looked away from him, and I got a look at Anthony's knuckles. I looked back up at him, "What happened to you?"

"Nothing," Anthony said, trying to walk past me and I just stepped in his way again.

"Your hands-"

"I told you it was nothing," Anthony snapped and I felt myself slightly jump at his tone.

Anthony wasn't always a soft person. I knew he could be hard if he wanted to, but he's never been so hard to me. Even when he was stern I was able to ignore it. It wasn't...mean. "Wow, someone needs to get some sleep," I said, not fighting the frown on my face as I moved out of his way.

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