chapter 1

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Amara's POV

I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling of my room. Even though it was an attic , I've gotten used to it. I laid on my mattress that provided me warmth. I inhaled deeply but regretted it instantly because of the pain that shot up my ribs and stomach.

They were too violent today morning.
I lived with my mother and step-father, John. I never really knew who my father was or why my mother left him. She never talked about him and if I even dared to talk about him, it would end up very bad.

As far as I knew, she never loved me and encouraged John to be his abusive self.
It all started when I was four. I was having my breakfast when they both came into the kitchen drunk. When I approached my mom, she threw me across the hall and onto the wall. Watching her hit me encouraged John to hit me too. I wasn't able to walk properly for days.

Few years passed and their behaviour got worse. They made me do all the chores and cook them their meals. They wouldn't let me eat and would give me a thing or two to eat, twice a week.

Every single mistake I make comes with a punishment that leaves me crying in agony.

I study in Western high. I don't have any friends as i am very quiet and timid. And I would rather they mind their own business than talk with me. I usually have to wear a hoodie and jeans so that I can cover up my bruises, not that I have anything else.

One time, one of the teacher noticed me limping once and told the principal about it. And he in turn called my mother and john into the office. And them being the number one actors they are, told the principal that I had fell down the strairs due to my carelessness. That night I was starved because they said that it was because of my carelessness that they were called in, even when it was their fault for beating me in the first place.

I slowly got up and went near the small drawer I had and took some pain killers. I had bought them from the money I had got from the charity event in our school last month. I was a volunteer because they said that they would give money for those who were volunteering.

I quickly went into the bathroom and had a shower. I wore a black hoodie that made my pale skin stand out and tied my black hair in a bun. My green eyes were dull as if they were tired of life. I wanted to feel something and I did what I always did. I took the razor hidden underneath the sink which I accidentally found in the kitchen. I guess it is john's.

I cut where no one notices. I pulled up my hoodie and started cutting on my stomach. I felt a rush of adrenaline.i quickly wiped the blood and bandaged it up.

I went downstairs to make lunch for them. They were not in the house at the moment and they would always expect me to be ready with their meals and if it wasn't ready, i would get another punishment.

The main door opened and my mother and john walked in. I immediately started serving them and that's when she spoke up "We want you to meet someone. Get ready by 8". I don't know why but i was having this gut feeling that I'm not gonna like this certain someone.

They both had an evil glint in their eyes. As if they couldn't wait to get what they wanted.

They finished their lunch and went out, again. I was dreading tonight. She had kept a dress for me and it was quite revealing. I was hesitant to wear it but i also didn't want to get beaten by them for being disobedient. It was an off shoulder, knee length tight fitting maroon dress with a few flowers here and there. The dress revealed many of my bruises and i guess that's why she also gave me some foundation to cover it up. I was damn sure I would have looked like a prostitute if I wore heavy makeup too.

It was 8:15 and i heard a car being parked in the driveway. The jingling of the keys were making my heart beat in an abnormal rate. My palms were sweating.

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