chapter 18

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Amara's POV

A sudden jolt woke me up. I looked around to see what happened.

"Fucking turbulence." Luca grumbled under his breath.

Ahh.. I guess it was just turbulence.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I sat straighter since I was leaning against the window but then I realised it was a very bad idea because my neck is aching like hell.

I see what the others are doing, so that I can find out when we are landing since I wasn't going to be asking them directly.

Lorenzo was on his laptop whereas Matteo was reading a very thick book.

Antonio and lucio seem to be playing a video or something and luca was watching a movie while munching on potatoes chips.

I internally groaned knowing that we were far from landing, since everyone were relaxed in their own way.

Sighing loudly, I cross my arms and look out the window.

It was night time and the city down there was twinkling with all the lights shining. I see specks of dots moving down the road and remember that once upon a time I was nothing more than a dot, that went unnoticed by mostly everyone.

I close my eyes and think back to how things were before I came here. Considerably, my life here is much more peaceful than back in my mother's house.

I won't have to get beaten anymore or do unnecessary chores. I could even concentrate on my studies. But the only thing that didn't change is that nobody loves. Nobody did back then and nobody does now.

I keep on thinking back to my days and didn't notice when I drifted off to sleep.
Guess I'm just way too tired.


After 8 hours of this stupid flight, we've finally reached our destination. And guess I don't like to fly in a plane after all....or maybe it's just them.

"Teo, you take them all to our home. I've got some work to finish off in here and then I'll come afterwards." Lorenzo said to Matteo.

"Wait, shouldn't we go know." Matteo said to Lorenzo, rubbing the back of his neck and glancing at me.

I squinted my eyes at him but not so obviously.

Lorenzo was a bit stiff after listening to Matteo's words.

"Not now, maybe later."

Matteo nodded his head.

I was confused with this whole exchange but then again, who am I to question them.

"WHOO HOOO!!  WE ARE BACK ITALY!!MI SEI MANCATO TANTO!!!" Antonio yelled after getting out of the plane.
(I missed you so much)
{A/N: I don't know what I wrote in Italian is correct or not, its Google's work. If it ain't right, just understand what I meant to write thru the bracketed words.😁}

"Ugh. Will you shut up for once in a while." Luca grumbled, following Antonio with his hands in his pockets.

I get out of the plane too and damn does it feel good.

I look around myself to see that we are standing on a field full of grass. Its morning and the sun has just risen.

It feels good to be under the warmth of the sun, so I close my eyes and after a long time, I smiled a genuine smile.

Excitement began to fill in my body, coursing through my veins.

This is a start. A new beginning for me. And I am not going to fuck it up.

Ta da!!!!
I know I know, it's been way too long and the chapter is also not much. But this chapter is just to notify you guys that I am back. And I am very happy to be back. I'm grateful to all of you for being so patient.

It took me a while to get back but I did.

And about the updates, I'll try to post once a week because even though my exams have finished, I'm still as busy as hell. And it will also take me some time to write and create a new chapter.
But overall, I'll post. So don't worry

Now, take care!✨✨

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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